Chapter 13 (Trust?)

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Heyyyyyyyyy guys!! Another chapter!! What was the crash? Why was Goldie so nice to Sky? Read on... Find out... aaaaand please don't kill me if you like... certain animatronics... Freddy: Wait... WHAT!?!? Me: Nothing! On with da chaptaaaaaa!



Foxy's ears perked up at the sound of the crash, it scared Sky because it was close by and she hid behind Foxy. "S'alright lass, s'alright. Stay 'ere. Got it? I be right back. If anythin' happens, scream. I'll be 'ere in a flash." Foxy reassured Sky before heading out the office carefully. Sky sat in the chair and flipped up the cameras. Foxy was slowly making his way down the West Hall, Sky flipped through the different cameras to look for what the sound was, then... She saw what it was...

"FOXY!! THE DINING AREA!! CHICA!!!" Sky screamed. Chica was pinned to the floor by Goldie, but Sky knew this wasn't Goldie, it was him being controlled. "Goldie no!!!" Shouted Sky, dropping the tablet on the ground and sprinting up the hall.


'I have to get to them... I have to...' I thought. If Goldie did anything to Chica, Freddy would have his head, and NOT just a spare one...

As I came into the Dining area, I saw Foxy just pouncing at Goldie, but Goldie saw him coming and backhanded him into the wall. He was knocked out, I gasped without thinking and Goldie turned toward me... 'Well shit...' I thought.

End Sky POV

Goldie growled and walked toward Sky, with Chica knocked out... At least... She hoped knocked out... In Goldie's arms. He dropped Chica and ran toward Sky at full speed!! Sky stood there and held out her hands to try and stop him but she knew that he would push right through them, she was done for. Finished. She closed her eyes, waiting for Goldie to kill her.

But Goldie never came.

Sky opened her eyes to see Goldie back to normal, staring at her. "S-Sky? Are y-you o-okay? I'm sorry... I d-didn't mean t-to, it w-wasn't m-me..." Goldie stammered trying to get Sky to forgive him. But he stopped once Sky threw her arms around him. "Glad your back Gold. Now go help Chica... I don't know what... whoever made you do to her... I'll go help Foxy." Explained Sky walking over to the wall where Foxy lay limp. "What?!? FUCK!! CHICA!!!!" Screamed Goldie.

~In the Basement~

"What?!? FUCK!! CHICA!!!!" They heard clearly. Bonnie was panting. He had won Goldie over and he was now back to normal. You were clinging to Bonnie in fear. Freddy heard Goldie screaming and sprinted straight up the stairs. The Marionette stood there dumbfounded. "H-How did you... d-do that B-Bonnie??" Stammered the puppet, obviously surprised by Bonnie's strength over him. "I've had ALOT of practice Mari. Your next..." Said Bonnie focusing on the Marionette. "N-No. Don-" Marionette couldn't finish his sentence before Bonnie took control over him. "Now to get rid of you, puppet..." Bonnie said through gritted teeth. He was seething with anger and revenge. 'This is for ALL those people you made us kill... ALL of them...' Bonnie thought. he brought the Marionette up the stairs and into the Dining area you followed closely.

But he just stopped.

Chica and Foxy were both just lay there on tables. Limp. Bonnie froze at the sight. "Ch-Chica? F-Foxy?" Stuttered Bonnie, tears in his eyes. He hadn't realized he had let go of the Marionette. "You fool!! They're just worthless scrap metal!!" Screamed the puppet. He teleported back down to the Basement.

I'll be back...

The words echoed around the Pizzeria. "SKY!! OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!?" You screamed, running over to your best friend. "I'm fine (Y/n), but Chica isn't. Foxy just got knocked out... He'll be up any second now. But... I don't know what happened to Chica. I just want to ask you one thing if we're gonna win this..." Said Sky turning to everyone. She walked over to Goldie who was receiving a death  glare from Freddy, and was sat on the edge of the stage.

Everyone turned to Sky wide eyed. "STAY AWAY FROM HIM SKY!!" Shouted Bonnie. "NO!!" Sky answered back. "I need to ask you guys a question..." Said Sky stopping next to Goldie and Holding his hand, pulling him down from the stage. "Yeah Sky? But I'm serious now... Listen to Bonnie... Step AWAY from the bear..." You repeated Bonnie. "No!!" Shouted Sky again. "Alright Sky... What is it?" Asked Freddy. Foxy had just sat up. "L-Lass be careful!!" He shouted. "Okay Foxy." Answered Sky, who then asked...

"Can you please trust Goldie?"


*dramatic music* What will the others say? Is Chica okay? When will the Marionette return? Find out and stay tuned for...

I will love you forever. Chapter 14 (Locked and Loaded)

And to answer WinningKey16's question of how old I am. I'm thirteen. BYEEEEEEE!!

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