Chapter 21

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"This is bad" I said ducking behind Allison as the out of control werewolf swung.

"You need to help" she said struggling to push him off "and this is unfair!"

"Who said it needs to be?" The intercom said.

"You want a good show?" She asked throwing a knife at the wolf. "Because I'll give you a show when I'm done"

"Lydia any luck finding a way out?"

"You think I'll be over here if i did?" She said "plus every door I walk through it leads me here"

"It's a spell"

"Great" I said "are you a witch?!"

"What part of its a spell didn't you understand"

Seriously? Can't we have just one vacation? With nothing to do I decide to help Allison. Who by the way was not having any luck. The wolf swung and this time it nearly grazed her. Causing her to fall back, in seconds the wolf was a over her ready to slash her guts out.

I closed my eyes not wanting to see what was gonna happen. When I heard a loud whimper, and sword. I look up to see a girl with a freakin samurai sword, stabbing the wolf.

"Hey isn't that the girl you were dancing on last night?" I asked Allison who was staring in amazement.

"Yes" we all turn to see the girl with yellow glowing eyes.

"Names Kira" she said chopping off the wolfs head with one swipe "and I'm a kitzune" she smiled.

"Who are you!" The man said obviously mad "fine, I guess I'll turn up the heat" seconds later we all started to get hot.

"Where did you come from?" I asked wiping sweat off "I mean how did you get in here?"

"This way" she said running. Eventually the heat took over and we all started to move sluggishly "almost there" we were headed to two doors, one had a weird symbol on it.

"I don't think we'll make it" I said tired. I heard a thump. When I turn around I see Lydia on the floor unconscious. I help Allison pick her up and we both made it a foot from the door. "I got it" I reached for the handle. Then it went black.

Derek's POV
"Stiles!" I opened the door to see him fall into my arms. I told Scott and Isaac to grab Allison and Lydia. "K-Kira" he said pointing inside. I could see another person on the floor. She wasn't moving. I told Erika to grab stiles and I ran in. A wave of heat hit me and I immediately felt like fainting.

I grabbed the girl and ran as fast as I could outside. Whoever did this would pay. "They're suffering from heat stroke" Boyd said getting in the drivers seat. "Where's the nearest hospital?"

"They won't make it" Davina said resting her hands on stiles chest. "I'll try to heal him" please stay with me stiles. I can't have another person die because of me.

Flash back
"Mom!! Dad!!" I ran towards the house but the heat from the flames kept me away.

"Derek!" I turn to see Laura "your ok" she hugged me.

"Where's mom?" I asked holding back tears.

He pushed us apart to see my face "I don't know" she cried tears streaming down her face "I don't know"

Screams from our family filled my ears. There was nothing we could do, why did this happen?

"You!" Uncle Peter yelled running towards me. He grabbed my neck and threw me to the ground "this is your fault!"

"Peter!" Laura yelled grabbing his shoulder but only to be pushed away.

"They're all dead because of you!" He yelled punching my face.

"Uncle Peter?" Cora said in a small voice.

"Cora!" He ran and pulled her into an embrace.

"Where's mommy?" She started to cry.

Peter turned to face me "she's in a better place" he said glaring daggers at me. Was it really my fault? Is he right? Cora, my little sister. She's gonna hate me

Flash back over

"Derek!" Scott snapped me out of my daze. "Let's get them inside"

Sorry for the wait, I've been busy with my other book. So here it is and enjoy. Vote comment and follow. Bye

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