Hunters and the prey

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"So Jackson?"

"Your the ones who are taking people"

"God you didn't tell me he was this dumb" Jeannette said.

"What happened to all the kids?" Jackson asked.

"Don't worry, they're all ok. just asleep, and our prize is we can eat two if we do a good job"

"Who hired you?"

"A witch, don't worry as much as I want to eat you" (that sounds hot from a gay guys perspective) 😘 "the filthy hag keeps all the handsome ones"

"Not the first time I've been called that"

Stiles POV
I ran in just in time to see that whore about to hit Jackson.

I threw my whip and caught her hand "Can you try not to be an idiot and move!" I yelled at Jackson.

"Who are you?"

"A real vampire?" I tilted my head "... thought she'd look prettier?"

"Hey! I'll rip your throat out!"

"Honey I have a werewolf boyfriend, I've heard that many times"

She pulled her hand free making me fly back. "stiles!" Dean ran in with a wooden steak. And Cas with nothing?

"It's ok" I said standing up "this bitch likes to play"

"Let's go rainbow" she smiled.

"Take care of that guy" I said pointing to Tay. "this bitch is mine"

"You know? I don't get to eat many gay boys..... but when I do it taste so good"

"Your one messed up bitch" I said throwing my whip and grabbing her ankle making her fall. She hit her head and grunted "maybe that blow made you smarter?"

"Shut up" she snarled getting up "your gonna need a little more than your little sex toy"

In seconds she ran and hit me. As I flew my whip fell out of my hand. I was too worried about her finishing the job, as I landed hard with a thump.

"Ha! What are you gonna do now?" She was about ten feet away from me. I looked around for a weapon. When I look up the bitch was running towards me.

I grabbed a bat lying next to me and swung. She hit the wall and fell on the floor.

"Is she dead?" Jackson asked. "hit her one more time"

"Shouldn't we just tie her up?" I asked grabbing a jump rope and tying her to a bench.

"After you're done there can u help here?" Dean yelled pushing Tay off of him.

"Got it" Jackson said running over and threw a punch at Tay who grabbed his hand and threw him.

"Jackson!!" He fell to the floor unconscious. "great"

"My turn!" Castiel spread his wings out and flew as fast as he can at Tay.

"An angel?" Tay smirked "how fun" he jumped landing on Castiels back making him lose focus and slamming into a wall.

"Seriously? And I thought the girl will be hard"

"I don't want to fight" he stood in front of me "I just wanted her gone"

"Why don't I believe you?"

"Listen....... I'll leave"

Dean grinned "great we can kill her"

"No!" Tay shouted "she's very valuable"

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say anyone will do anything to get their hands on her"

"Why do you want to get rid of her?"

"I had to kill her, but now I don't want anything to do with her"

"Wait!" He left us with her. who the fuck is this girl?

Sorry guys for the long wait I've been stumped and busy with testing and all, plus boy troubles. So next upas till try to make soon but I can't promise anything. Byeeeeee

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