Chapter 22 and 23

Start from the beginning

No gun holds that many bullets.

Then I put on a black ripped skirt with a thick belt with silver studs an a evenesense T shirt that showed my belly button. Lastly I put on some black gloves with no fingers.

And you say Annabeth's a slût?

It was night time when we left but my cresent tat glowed in the dark so I could see where I was going.

How does that work?

Percy was wearing some eye shadow so his eyes looked sunck with dark circles under them in a pale face, his bangs covered up one of his eyes but the other was green and evil and hot.

"Evil"Percy is anything BUT that.

Nico was wearin all black lether too, also a skull necklace with eyes that lighted up red. We were all pale an dark an sexy.

When we walked I took my ipod and got some mcr going on.


Suddenly Nico took out some stuff from his pocket, they were ciggerets!

.......Cancer is coming.Oh wait,that's a good thing,Flavia go die from cancer now.

We smoked them an then we watched a dark R rated movie downloaded from my ipod, in the end everybody got killed and it was derpressing an I liked it.

I still don't know how they aren't getting attacked.

Tehn I target shot a tree until it crumbed up from the magic, my aim was now deathly. Tehn I fell asleep.

Magic?Your a Hecate child now?

*~!Super cool Line break!~*

U guys say thats sick, you don't know the darkness and teh derpravity of Real life, its not all fairy tale rainbow unicrons, if u cant handle this then thats your problem!

Unicrons?Is that a new animal that I haven't heard on the news yet?

23...The Prophacy of 7

Oh noes!She read HOO!

I woke up with 2 hot guys next to me of course they were Nivo and Percy Jackson.

.....Did they stick their tool in your tool box?
Sorry,I tried to make a Tara Gilsbie joke.

We werent doin it or anything cause I needed to be a virgenal to use my Artmeis powers, but that didn't stop me from coppin a Feel on Percy's 8 pack.

Now that's just creepy.

Acutely he was pretty hot under his shirt, he tatood himself all over for practice.

I actually think too many tattoos are kinda gross.
I mean,I'm fine with them,but when their all over you,it's just..I don't know man.

There were dragons of fire an lepards an one of me I blushted when I saw this, "Percy your so sweet an sensative!"

And then she moves onto another guy in the next ten chapters and forgets about how sweet and sensitive Percy is.

When I said this Nico went behind some trees an cried tears of smoke (smoke cause he was a ghost also he was smokin hot geddit)

I am seriously contemplating whether this is a troll fic or not.
It probably isn't,seeing how dumb people are nowadays.

We were walken in the woods when a big ship walked up an there were 5 deimgods on it.....

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