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This is sort of just a filler chapter. It's only going to be like a page. Sorry. Don't kill me. Not much happens. A new character is introduced and some happens at the end but that's it. Sorry. Next chapter will be better! I'm too tired to write a lot tonight so...<3

Picture of Annie on the side!!

Song of the chapter:

Kidnap My Heart by The Click Five


Chapter 6

Lunch has always been the best part of my day. It's the one time that I don't get picked on by people constantly. Everybody is too busy stuffing their faces or sneaking off to the bathrooms to get laid.

Most of the time I usually just sit with my friend Annie. She is a handful but she is the only friend that I have here at this school. Well, besides Caleb of course. If he can actually be considered as a friend.

"Yo, dude, snap out of it. You're drooling." I can faintly hear Annie's voice in my ear but I choose to ignore it. I would much rather continue what I am doing, which is staring at Caleb. Hehe. Kind of stalkerish but I could give two shits less.

His big cheesy grin on his face, that laugh, those gorgeous eyes, his toned back, clothes. Heck, I love everything about him. I always have to be honest. 

Out of nowhere, I feel a wet substance hit my cheek. I look over in Annie's direction to see her giggling uncontrollably with a wet straw hanging from her mouth. I shoot her a mean look and point my fingers from myself to her. She better watch her back.

"Finally. Damn, it took me spitting pop at you to get your attention."

'No. I was ignoring you.' I write down on a spare napkin by me real quick and toss it at her. She blinks as it hits her in the face and falls onto her lap. I shake my head at her, lean my head on my arm, and sigh.

I let out a slight laugh as she sticks out her tongue at me and goes back to eating. The school's hot dogs. Done just right; pink and rubbery. Eww. Talk about vomit inducing. 

"Hey Aiden!" I hear my voice being called and I look over my shoulder to see a very sexy Caleb walking towards me. I can't tell whether he is over here to pick on me or to talk. I glance behind him and none of his friends are even paying attention. Good. He is coming to talk.

I nod my head at him as he takes a seat next to me on the lunch bench. I can hear a gasp by me and I look at Annie only to see her mouth hanging wide open.

"Hey Annie." Caleb suddenly says with a smile at her. Her eyes turn into saucers and I let out a slight laugh.

"Yo-you know my name?" She asks him with surprise written in her voice. I smack my hand on my forehead and just roll my eyes. Everybody knows her name. Well, not everybody but still. She is one of the award winning scholars at the school, and also a major girl player. She gets around.

"Um, yeah. Why is that so surprising?" Caleb asks with the raise of an eyebrow. I turn my head back and forth and watch as the two of them talk. The way Caleb's face morphs from happiness to confusion is a funny thing to see. His eyebrow scrunch together and his smile fades into an almost smirk.

"First off, you are one of the populars. Second, you have never spoken to me before, and third, what are you doing over here?"

"I am friends with Aiden now. Right Aiden?" He shoots a grin over at me and I just hesitantly nod my head. He smirks and crosses his arms over his chest.

"How do I know that you're not a fake?" Annie puts her chin in her hands and looks Caleb straight in the eye. The two have a stare down for a minute before Annie just laughs and says,

"Your cool man. I was just yanking your chain. Aiden nodded his head so I knew right then that you were fine. In more ways than one." She winks at him and I can see Caleb shudder. Yeah, that's right. Stay away from the little humping bunny.

"Well, I have to head off okay? I'll try to text you later. By Aid." Annie waves at me as she dashes out of the school door and towards her car. Now it's time to head home. Joy. Now I get to go be lonely.

Grabbing my board from the bottom of my locker, I push it closed and run out the school doors. I look around the parking lot and see several cars pulling out. Over by one car I see a very tramp looking Cathy lip locked with a guy. Stupid slut. And to think that I consider Annie to be a player, Cathy tops her. Which is kind of nasty to be honest. I hate girls who sleep around. Heck, I hate most girls whether they sleep around or not. All of the makeup, gossip, and hair products creep me out.

Throwing my board down on the ground, I hop on and skate in the direction of home. Halfway down the road I can here a car picking up speed behind me. A horn is suddenly honked and I look to my right to see a car like Caleb's pull up. I watch as the window is rolled down and then I just let out a laugh. Of course it's Caleb.

"Wanna come to m house for bit? I'm in need of a friend." He gives me a puppy dog face and I can't just say no. Going with him is better than my house any day.  I bite my lip and nod my head. I let my hair fall over my eyes and cover all views of him.

"Sweet. Hop in." I run over to the passenger side with board in hand and hop in. The smell of his cologne hits my nose and I can feel my mouth water. It's his signature smell. Gotta love it.

"Okay. Off we go." He puts his shades on his head and starts to drive in another direction. Well this ought to be interesting. 

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