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Dedicated to:


Shout outs to:






If you got a dedication on one of my other stories, then you won't get one on another story, even if you comment first. I just wanted to tell you all that, but you will get a shout out. So, thank you commentors and crazyartist8. ß would have gotten the dedication but you got one on my other story!!<333


Chapter 2

For the next at least hour, we sit there and have our own little conversation. I keep waiting for Caleb to get up and just leave. I am a nobody and he is a somebody. A very known somebody. What does he want with a freak? I mean nothing to anybody and I do nothing right, so why even talk to me.

"I feel bad for you, you know. I pass you in the hallway and you always look so sad and helpless. Why is that?", Caleb asks me and I can feel the butterflies hitting me again. His voice is like velvet. Smooth and calming, and sexy.

As I write down an answer on my tablet, I almost feel like just throwing it away and actually talking. I can still talk, of course I can talk, I just choose not to.

'I am a nobody so I live life going unnoticed. Nobody cares.' I write this on the tablet and I watch as he reads it. I can tell that he is thinking hard about it. He almost looks as if he cares. Why would he care though? He doesn't even know me.

"That's not true. You are a somebody Aiden. You are special. I can already tell that. Trust me on this, you do not go unnoticed. I have passed by you everyday and I have always wanted to help you."

I can feel my eyebrows burry together as he says this. He is wrong. I am a nobody. If he is telling the truth, he is the only one that notices me then. I walk through the halls everyday and the only people that notice me are the bullies. 

'why?' I write this on the tablet and I prepare myself for his answer. I can see something in his eyes as he reads this. Anger for one. The other I don't know. It can't be care for me. Again, I repeat, he doesn't even know me.

"Why? How can you even ask that. I can already tell that you are special. You are yourself and nobody else. I can see it in your eyes that you care."

Okay, he may be right about those things. Maybe I should give him a little more credit. At least he is actually talking to me and not beating me up like his friends usually do. I am weak so they think that it's fun to pick on me.

"Well, it's getting late and I have to head home. Game tomorrow. Do you want a ride home?", he asks and shakes his keys in his hand. A smile is on his face and I almost melt. His teeth are perfectly straight and a dimple is evident when he smiles. The cutest thing ever. Wow. I sound like a girl.

'Sure', I write on the tablet and hand it to him. He nods and motions for me to follow him. I look at my feet as I walk with him and I can hear him talking under his breath some. I can't tell what he is saying though. His hair flips around his face as he jogs over to the car and opens the door for me. I can feel my heart pounding as I get in and nod at him. He smiles and jogs over to his side.

Heat from him hits me as he closes the door and starts the car. This is the closest that I have been to a person in god knows how long. It scares me but do I show it? No. I stay calm and don't freak.

I watch as he messes with the radio and then sticks in a CD. I hear Asking Alexandria start playing and my mouth drops open. I hear him laugh and he turns it up and start singing along to it. Asking Alexandria is my favorite band. Always has been. Danny Worsnop's voice just seems to calm me down for some reason, and he is gorgeous so that is a plus.

Hearing this music playing though, and knowing that it's Caleb playing it, is weird. I never pictured Caleb as being the kind of guy that would listen to this stuff. He may dress like a punk but he doesn't act like one. At least I have never seen him act that way. Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't assume things so soon.

"Where do you live?", he asks as he pulls away from the park finally. Yes, we sat still and listened to a whole song before even moving. He must really like them or something. I could tell how much he got into it.

Writing down my address on my tablet, I hand it to him. He nods and away we go. I stare out the window as we drive and so many memories hit me. Just being away from home reminds of my mother. She used to love driving around and staring at all of the sights.

I can feel a tear hit my cheek and when I look up, I see that we are in my driveway. I quickly wipe away the tear and write thanks on the tablet. He nods and I take this as my cue to leave. Opening the door, I step out and close the door behind me.

"Wait! Do you have a cell?" I nod my head and quickly scribble it down in my messy handwriting. 

"Thanks.", he says and smiles widely at me. My heart thumps and I nod real fast before running up to my front door. He honks his horn and waves as he leaves and I wave back. It's the least that I can do.

As I step inside, darkness and quietness hits me. Hard. I hate not having somebody home for me. Somebody that cares for me. I haven't had that in god knows how long. 

My father is barely ever home. He travels for work most of the time, or even when he is home, he is banging some random chick. My father is useless. Why waste my time trying to talk or even communicate with him in any way? It's not like he cares about me anyway. 

Heading up to my bedroom, I drop my jacket by the door and go quickly change into pajama pants. My chest is nothing compared to most guys. I am skinny and pale. I am happy with how I am I guess though. I don't need to change. I am myself, and that will never change.

Plugging my Ipod into its dock, I turn on some music and fall onto my bed. I grab my notebook and begin writing. Venting my feelings and writing songs are the two things that give me happiness in life, besides music that is.

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