XLIX. neverland

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Chapter Status: Edited. 

3rd Person.

They all land with a thud as they hit the hard ground, everyone groaning at the sudden impact. Tahlia's head shoots up, her eyes wide, Neverland is much clearer in person. She cannot see much though, the only light being the dimming stars above and the sun slowly rising in the distance.

"Are we in...?"

Anna cannot bear to say it; she is still in shock.

"Neverland," Tahlia whispers.

Suddenly her body lifts into the air, and she is thrown against a tree.

"Regina, don't!" Emma shouts as she scrambles to her feet.

Regina ignores her and throws Tahlia back to the ground, not listening to anyone, anger taking over.

"We defeated him, he was gone, but thanks to you he's back and you've dragged us all into this!" Regina growls, walking closer to her.

"It's not her fault Regina!" Mary Margaret tries, picking up a crying Neal.

"Mum, please!" Henry begs, not daring to step closer.

"Do it, kill me," Tahlia hisses.

It is as though a dark force has taken over her, it is Neverland; it messes with your head.

"Gladly," Regina smirks.

Tahlia gasps for air as the magic around her neck tightens.

"LET HER GO! PLEASE LET HER GO!" Anna screams.

Henry holds her back so she doesn't get hurt as well. An arrow suddenly flies through the air, knocking Regina to the ground, Tahlia follows suit, Anna pushing Henry off of her, running to her best friend's side. But Tahlia is not looking at her, instead looking at the hooded stranger with a familiar smirk.

"Jamie?" she asks quietly.

She remembers the signature smirk that belongs to the head boy.

"Tahlia," he replies.

Before Tahlia can speak, Jamie turns around, running back into the forest.

"You know him?" Killian asks.

He seems unphased by the scene that had taken place only moments ago, but Tahlia does not question it.

"Yeah, he's the head lost boy," Tahlia replies.

Her eyes stay trained on the spot Jamie had been standing.

"We need to figure out where Pan's set camp," she adds.

Without warning, she turns around, beginning to walk into the forest.

"Wait!" Henry says, grabbing her hand and spinning her around to face him.

"Where are you going?" he asks, not letting go of her wrist.

"To the cliff in the centre of the island, you can see everything from up there," Tahlia says, turning around again.

"Come on, follow the leader," David decides.

Everyone knows Tahlia will know the island like the back of her hand; she is their best bet if they want to survive.

"I'm not apologising," Regina says to Emma quietly, folding her arms like a toddler.

"I don't expect you too just... try not to kill her, okay?" Emma requests.

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