XXXV. dylan

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Chapter Status: Edited. 

Third Person.

"No, absolutely not," Henry decides firmly.

He crosses his arms across his chest and shakes his head.

"Okay, genius, do you have a better plan?" Anna asks, mimicking his actions by crossing her arms.

"I'm the author, I can change her fate," he says, a look of pride crossing his face as he spoke.

"The what?" Anna asks.

The jingle of keys is heard, stopping the conversation, and the front door opens. Tahlia steps in with an unfamiliar bag hung over her shoulder.

"Oh, didn't expect you guys to be awake, how are you feeling, Henry?" Tahlia asks, her voice almost nervous.

"I'm fine... what's in the bag?" Henry replies.

He stands up slightly as Tahlia presses the top of the bag against her.

"Uh, nothing important," Tahlia responds.

However, the unmistakeable sound of a cat's meow fills the air and Tahlia's eyes widen.

"You're gone for three hours and come home with a cat?" Anna questions, standing up and placing a hand to her hip.

"Not just any cat," Tahlia says.

She places the bag gently to the ground; a paw trying to escape the small hole she had left open. She opens the bag and pulls out a chubby, white and orange cat.

"Dylan!" Anna shouts.

She sprints forward, taking Dylan out of Tahlia's grasp. Dylan has been Tahlia's cat since they were 15, although he was given to both of them from Heather as a graduation present, Tahlia looks after him. But in their hearts, Dylan belongs to the both of them.

"I've missed you, yes I have," Anna says, her voice childish, and her face pressed close to Dylan's.

Dylan meows and Anna instantly puts him down. She takes a step back as Dylan sprints towards Henry.

"Cat lover I hope," Tahlia smiles innocently.

Henry smiles down at the Australian Mist as he hops onto his lap.

"Yeah, and this one's pretty cute," he replies, patting the cat.

Dylan purrs and snuggles closer to Henry.

"He's a curious one," Tahlia smiles slightly.

"What's wrong?" Anna asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

Tahlia sighs and puts the bag on the bench before she beckons Anna to follow her. The two sit on the couch beside Henry.

"I think I know why Pan picked me," she sighs.

"What are you talking about?" Henry asks, his eyebrows creasing together.

"I talked to Mum and Dad about everything and they confessed something to me," Tahlia starts. "They met Pan, and he wasn't happy about it."

It was the middle of the night when the soothing music filled the air; William woke, a curious look in his eyes. He slowly climbed out of bed, making his way towards his window, and looking out into the night. Boys of various ages, none older than 17, climb from their windows, following the music, as though in a trance. William steps out of his window, slowly climbing down to the ground, a strong feeling willing him to follow suit.

He walks with a small group of the boys to a clearing a mile or two away from the village. Little did anyone know; this clearing was close to young Camilla's home and the sound of the boy's howls could be heard from her bedroom. The noise woke her, and she frowned. Wondering as to why so many young boys were howling like animals in the forest, she climbed out her window. Curiosity had always been her biggest flaw.

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