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"What happened when Sammy saw the hickey?" Matt asks.

"He asked where it came from. He had his thumb over it for like twenty minutes so I told him he pushed a little too hard." I explain.

"He bought that shit?" JJ asks.

"Yeah." I confirm.

"Do you feel bad about any of this?" Matt asks.

"Yes, I feel bad about all of it!" I tell them.

Suddenly there's a heavy knock on the door. I get up and open it.

It's that officer I used to have crush on. Ruby Kellin.

"Shawn Mendes?" She asks.

"You know me." I point out.

"You're needed in medical." She says.

"For what?" I ask.

"I'll explain when we get there." She says.

"I'll be back." I tell Matt and JJ.


Once I'm outside of medical I turn to Ruby.

"An inmate attempted suicide today and they're in hysterics. They won't talk to the officers so we need your help." She says. I nod and open the door to medical.

Oh hell no.

I see Kian Lawley struggling to get up, but he was unable to do so since he was strapped to the bed.

He was crying and screaming.


"Kian." I try to get his attention while walking up next to the bed. He ignores me and continues screaming.

"KILL ME! I WANT TO DIE!" He shouts.

"HEY, BLUE HAIRED BITCHBOY, SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH UNTIL YOU LEARN TO TALK LIKE A CIVILIZED ADULT!" I yell at him. He shuts up quickly. "Alright, what happened?" I ask quietly while sitting on the chair next to his bed.

"E-everyone hates m-me. They've all been cr-cruel and evil to me since you were sent to isolation." He says.

"How so?" I ask while checking out his wounds. He had thickly wrapped gauze on his wrists and I could see he had scrapes on his neck.

"They told me I was a worthless whore. That I didn't deserve to be alive and that I was a waste of sperm. Some of them beat me up. They said no one would care if I killed myself. No one would miss me." He sobs. "Shawn, I want to die. Wouldn't you like it if I was dead?" He asks.

"What? Okay. I don't like you and I don't want to be your friend but I don't want you to die. You don't deserve to die. How old are you?" I ask.

"I'm nineteen." He says.

"You're so young. You have your entire life ahead of you. Don't cut it short." I tell him.

"I hate being in this place." He mutters.

"We all do but it's only temporary. You get out in three months. You can survive three months, can't you?" I ask while holding his hand gently.

"I'm sorry, Shawn. I'm so sorry. If I had known that you were so nice I never would have even touched your ex-boyfriend." He apologizes.

"It's okay. I-I forgive you." I sigh.

"Thank you but this still doesn't change the fact that I don't have any friends." He trails off and looks down sadly. I sigh.

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