I was wrong. I am sorry. I apologize.

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"I didnt mean too. Im so sorry y/n. I wasnt thinking straight. I was harassing you. I forced you. It wasn't right and I cannot change what I did. But I want to make things right. Ive made this whole experience like hell for you. I can tell. I shouldnt have taken a move on you like that. When you didnt want me too. I know you dont want to live here anymore. But I understand why. I was a dick. A fucking bastard even. The biggest doof of doof planet! Im just... so sorry." Mark apologies while we sit on the sofa. Its like hes been reading my mind. I both love and hate him right now.  "Can I just... try and make things right? Please?" Mark sighs, puffy, red eyed. I dont really want things to get any worse. But if this isnt resolved soon things may become more out of  hand on both of our channels. "Fine." I sigh. "Thank you y/n." Mark leans over and hugs me. Then hastily makes his way out of my home and back to who knows where. He better fix this.

The next day I wake up and laze around in bed. I grab my laptop off the floor and open up the dreaded youtube. But something surprises me. In the comments is a magnitude of "Im Sorry." From multiple fans. What the hell happened that made them start saying this? Wait! Was this Marks doing? I type in Markiplier quickly and a new video pops up straight away. 'I was wrong. I am sorry. I apologize.'. I instantly, slam my face into the laptop keyboard. "GGGAAAAHHHHHHHH!" I groan sitting back up. "Dammit." I click on the video and sit back watching it play.

"Hello everybody. My name is Markiplier. But today i will not be playing any games. I shall be apologizing to two people. One of those people are you guys. As some of you may know... I had a charity live stream yesterday and during the live stream we had a dare challenge game. However, it got out of hand. A dare came through for me and my friend, that nearly all of you know as Y/n, to do a 7 minutes in heaven challenge." While he talks, his eyes slowly blink and form a layer of tears, his lip quivers and his head and shoulders drop. "I took advantage of her. I was doing something very wrong and Y/n got the blame. It isnt fair. When it was over..." He stops. Hands darting to his face and sobs loudly, leaning over. "It wasnt her fault.... And after the stream was over.... Y/n ran. She sprinted out of my house and back to her own. She locked me out. She ran because she knew what i did was wrong. And you all targeted her. It was my own doing. I was Wrong. And with all of my heart and sole... I am so sorry." He holds his hands to his face again and sobs louder. "But i am ashamed of some of you. Not all of you. Just those who attacked Y/n. Who attacked me. Said she took advantage of me, when it was the other way around. Calling her all those names. Slut. Bitch. Cunt. Whore. I just want you to take that in. How would you like to be called that in the hundreds. Said that you will ever be loved and that all you are looking for is money and sex. Its disgusting. So i ashamed of you few. Everyone else.... I am sorry for my actions. I will never be a good role model and i beg of you to never take advantage of the one you love." He stops and takes a deep breath. "Because i love Y/n. No matter what happens. I have always loved her and i cannot hid that anymore. But i dominated her. So she has the complete right to push me away. Y/n is  a truly incredible person. The day it happened... I went to her house to apologize. But instead of leaving me behind, she stood by me. I broke down because i know that i had done something so wrong... but she stayed and comforted me. She said it would be ok. That we would figure things out. But, for the longest time. I have loved her. Y/n is like no other person i have or ever will know. I know she wants to leave. To go back to England. She has every single reason too. Every truthful excuse." He clenches his fists. As they turn white, he looks straight into the camera. "Y/n if you are watching this... Im sorry. I was wrong. I apologize. But for everyone else. Firstly for those who said those things. I am very disappointed  in you. And for everyone else. Im sorry that i have dishonored our trust, that i have broken our bond. And i will try with every fiber in by body, every atom, to make this right again. Thats all for today guys. But thanks for understanding. And i'll see you in the next video. Buh -Bye." He finishes, waving to the camera with a sad smile. 

"Well that was a roller coaster." I sigh. I push the laptop aside and stand up. Grabbing some clothes and head into the bathroom. I look into my mirror and something surprises me. My eyes are red and wet, salty tears drip from my eyes. I stare a while, wide eyed. Was? Was i crying watching that? I shake my head and wipe the tears away with the back of my hand. 

After i take a shower and pull on some new clothes, i head down stairs, pouring out some cereal and juice. Placing them on the table, i pick up my phone and look into instagram. "Oh my god..." I laugh a little at the 5,500 direct images and 1,000 comments. What has my life come too?  Mark really affected them i guess. He did sound pretty angry and upset. Being one of his fan girls a few years ago i understand how they feel about it. They dont want to see him upset. They dont want to see him in pain. I went through that stage too. But being his friend now its different. Because you can comfort them. You actually have the ability to help them. When you only know them from a screen with a one sided relationship, its hard to comfort them. Because they cant know you, but you know everything about them. You feel a connection in some form. But under it all, you realize they will never be able to know you. Theres to many people who like them. It crushes you. So you try your hardest to get their attention and make them happy again. They are your hero and they are the people who are the only ones to make you laugh and smile. Even making you laugh when there are already tears in your eyes. So you try with all your might to make them happy again.

Gah, enough of me rambling to myself. I havent recorded a video for today so i better go do that. I stroll to my recording room and start up Agar.io. "Hey guys. Im (Youtube name). Today we will be playing Agar.io. But give me a minute because im ganna tweet out the party code to get some of your guys in here!" I smile at the camera. I quickly share the code and get back to the game. Stopping recording for 5 minutes to allow people to get on. "Ok so lets get started!" I start to ramble on while playing the game. About random junk and screaming as im eaten or cheering when i manage to catch someone. People helping me grow bigger but something that moves me happens. People change their name to 'Sorry Y/n'. First is one and i just shrug it off. Then suddenly more and more people come to me and help me all calling themselves 'Sorry Y/n'. And the more people who do it. The more i am moved. The less i talk. And finally. The more my emotions overwhelm me. Im taken aback and i cant hold in tears anymore. I stop my player from moving. All the while people feeding me. More people saying sorry. The leader board filled with sorry. Every where i look on the screen. 'Sorry'. 'Sorry'. 'Sorry'. 

And i break down. First a single quiet sob. Then hands over my eyes. After leaning on the desk. But finally letting it all out. Full on breaking down on camera. Sobbing, Choking, Whimpering. I let it all go and i cant stop. I cant stop what i have been holding in all this time. 

Arms wrap around me from my back. I gasp and turn my head to see Mark softly hugging me. He looks at the screen and smiles a little. Then turns his gaze back. I wipe tears from my eyes. My lip still quivers and no matter how hard i try i cannot stop crying. He turns my chair to face him and i wrap my arms around him. "Im sorry i did this to you Y/n." he softly whispers in my ear. I chuckle a little, "I know... i saw." He holds me tighter and i cant help but smile a little. I know that i can Mark now. He learnt from his mistake. He knows what he did and is ashamed of how he acted. 

He pulls back from the hug and places his hand on my cheek. Staring kindly into my eyes and me doing the same to him. But then something i never though i would allow to happen, did happen. He closes his eyes and softly kisses me. And this time, i kissed back. I enjoyed it. It wasnt forced and i wasnt pushed into it. I chose to like it. And god did it feel good. His soft, tender lips against mine. Moving in perfect sync to one another. I pull away slowly and Mark rests his forehead on mine, "Im never letting you go." We stay like that for what seems like hours when in fact was only minutes. I wanted it to last forever. The bliss of being silent and enjoying each others company. 

"Oh yer!" I laugh and turn back to the camera. I grin to it and stop recording. On the screen i notice i had gotten to first and everyone is crowded around me. I laugh and turn the game off. Mark pulls up a chair along side me and helps me edit the video. We sit and watch the final edit together. Mark holds his hand to his face, while watching the moments i cried before he turned up. He turns to me a little shocked. "Im ok Mark. Just... I had a lot of emotions." "Y/n-" "Shhh. Im ok." He wraps his arm around my shoulder and i lean onto his chest. Hes so warm. 

I upload the video and for the rest of this emotional day, Mark and i laze around the house. Talking, playing games and laughing. Its my favorite day so far. The notifications are endless and the comments are moving. But Mark stays by my side through it all. Jack even calls us up on skype and we sit and talk for nearly a hour. Talking about all the random junk we could. It was bliss. It was happy. I was happy. We, were happy. 

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