Wait what?

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I woke up at 8 and went on my laptop. Immediately going on twitter, reposting fan art and answering about 50 messages and emails sent to me. Each one made me smile. My fans are so sweet. Thats when i stumble apon some fanart that i havent seen before. Well i have seen some like it. But this one. It was markiplier x (y/n) fan art. And it was pretty realistic and detailed. It was us...lying in a bed together... making out. Oh god. I feel my cheecks becoming hot. And how typical, at that exact moment i realise im blushing, the man himself video calls me. I need to control myself. I answer the call. His face shows up on screen and i cant help but giggle. Mark never new it. But i used to be his biggest fan. I drew fan art, wrote songs, watched nearly every video. I had met him aboout 3 years ago. When he was starting out. I was in his first few thousand subs. I was at PAX South. I went on holiday to America just so i could go. I knew he was going with his brother. And when i got there, i found him. I got his autograph and had a photo with him. I dont think he remembered me though when jack introduced me to him through skype a year ago. I had changed alot in two years to be fair. I changed my hair, my youtube name, my personality. Of course i acted like i wasnt a fan when i first talked to him. Even though i was fan girling on the inside. I acted cool. And then now. Well. Were best friends. I dont fan girl over him now. That would be weird, but i do watch his videos every now and then.

"Hello?" "Huh. What?" I completely forgot i was in a call with him... again. "You blacked out l..." I nervously smile as he smiles back at me. "Yer sorry. That seems to happen quite alot recently..." "yer it does. Are you ok?" "Oh um. Yer well i think so. You?" "Same as normal.... Filming some vids. Scaring the poop out of me... everyday kind of thing." "Uhhu. Anyway. What you call for?" "Just wanted to check on you. And im having a break from recording, i really needed to have one." "Oh. What you playing?" He lets out a sigh. I look into his eyes. They're full of anger. Im guessing i am bread. "The ultimate hate game..." "i am bread?" "How you know?" "Its in your eyes." He smirks evily at me. Im confused, "What you staring at?" "Oh. Nothing" Mark lets out a small chuckle. "Mark seriously!" I stare right into my cam; Trying to pull the angriest face i can. Hes laughing at me. He puts his hands on his cheeks, opening his eyes wide. "You look so Kawaii right now." I cant hold onto my anger. I burst out laughing. We laugh for about five minutes.

When it eventually calmed down we talked about the move to L.A and about our channels. When we hung up i decided i really wanted to go on sims 2. Yer its the old one. But i think its the best. I made new characters for a new household. I dont know why but i made Mark in my household, i set him as friends with my character. There was me, Mark and 2 dogs. I used the cheat codes ive known for years. As usual, bought the biggest house i could. In marks room i put an expensive computer, a luxury bed and loads of boxs. My room had everything i had ever dreamed of in an bedroom. And the dogs had a large room to themselfs in the house. A while passed and i was to wonder the time. I turned to my phone and turned it on. Holy shit! I got on sims at 10am. Now its 5pm. HOLY CRAP! I save my progress and close the game. Thats when i notice the small light on my webcam. Thats weird... I click on skype and his face pops up. Head in one hand. "So?" He questions. My face immediatly fills with shock and fear. "Um..." "I heard everything... you mumbling to yourself and all..." "oh crap..." im shocked. Did he really hear everything i said. Saw all the faces i pulled. "So. You heard and saw .... everything." "Yep." He says bluntly with a michevious smile. Crap. I did keep murmuring about what i was doing to myself. Its abit of a habit now from narrating games. Then a question pops into my mind. "Wait. We ended the call hours ago. How are we in one now?" He shacks his head as if i should know. "Youve done it before..." "Done what before?" "You didnt quit the call. You just closed the tab. So the call was still on. I didnt realise untill about half an hour later after i came back for eating food. I turned of my mic and watched you talking to yourself and pull the most halarious faces" he explodes into laughter at the end. "Nothing weird happened between are characters. Its fine. We are still just friends." "Yer... I know." He looks disapointed. "So have you been listening in, all this time?" "No. I left and came back every now and then. Some of the stuff you were saying!" His smile grows. "Oh ha ha. Like what?" I glare at him. "Well. There was one moment you gave the most evil grin. Then you shouted "Drown my pretty. Drown!" It was quite funny seeing you laugh to yourself like that." I giggle remebering that i drowned a girl in a pool, after she was flirting on Mark. I dont have a crush on him. I just... Actually. I dont really know why i drowned her. Just then i remember the time,"Sorry Mark. Its getting late and i need to record some videos. I forgot to make spare...." "hey its no problem (y/n). Thanks for the show." Mark cheerfully smiles. "Bye Markimoo." "Bye. (Y/nickname)."

And with that situation over. I went off and recorded videos.

Never Giving You Up ( markiplier x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz