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"So. Have you packed everything?" "Yer, i think so. All the most important stuff anyway." "Are there any tiny boxs?" I guessed Mark would ask that at some point. Earlyer i found a photo of the time i met Mark 3 years ago. He still doesnt know that was me... But it was in a frame i had made. Black with Markiplier writen on the sides in silver and a large pink maustache on the top. It was me, hugging him at PAX, his arm around my waist. That was one of the best moments of my life. I had found a tiny box before hand, i drew Tiny Box Tims face and arms on. Then carefully put the picture inside. Back to reality. "Yes... there are some tiny boxs." I smirk. "Any Tims?" I lift uo the box into face cam. He lets out a small squeal and i laugh. "Look at my little biscuit!" Marks etes light up and twinkle. I try to do my best Tiny Bix Tim enpression i can. "Hey there Mark!" He gasps in awe. "TIMMY!" He screams. "YOU CAN TALK!" "Yer Mark! Im coming over there with (y/n)! Cant wait so see you Mark." "Neither can i Tim." We laugh and i put Tim down. I open the top and check the photo is ok. "Are you excited (y/n), your flying over tomorrow." "Yer i am! Im abit nervous though." "Hey, you will be fine. Whats you favourite food i'll make it for when you arive!" "Hm. Its hard. Um... (fav/food)!" "Great. Well i'll see you tomorrow. You better go finish packing." "Yer. I've got to make sure i have everything." "See ya tomorrow (y/n)" "Bye MarkiPoo!" I smirk. "Its not Markipoo!" Angerly pointing out. I smirk. "Well your not a cow." "My fans call me Markimoo!" "Yes. But like i said your not a cow!" My evil grin grows. "So im a shit instead!?" "Yes." "I prefer Markimoo thanks..." hes given up. "Ok Markipoo." "OH MY GOD STOP! (Y/N) ITS NOT FUNNY!" "Yer. But i think it is." "I will end you!" He stares at the camera. "Oh goody. So moo like a cow. If you prefer Markimoo." "Fine. Moooo" i laugh. "That was pathetic." "MOOO!" "Still no good... your still poop!" "Moo." I cant help laughing. Hes trying so hard. "Bye MarkiMoo." "FINALLY! Bye." "Dont tempt me to call you MarkiPoo again" i grin. "Shut up. You need to finish packing." Unfortunatley he was right. "Ok ok." "Good bye (y/n). See you tomorrow. I'll pick you up from the airport." "Thanks. See you tomorrow Mark." He smiles and leaves the chat. "Untill tomorrow." I say alloud. A smile formed.

Never Giving You Up ( markiplier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now