My home.

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We drive for about 30 minutes. Mark pulls up next to a house. I look at him. Excitment in ingulfing my eyes. "This isnt it" he laughs. "Then why are we here?" My enthusiasm subsided. He leans down and picks up a blindfold. A evil grin covering his face. "Put this on!" He laughs. "What! No way!" "Fine. I'll put it on you then." I try the lean away from his arms stretching out to tie it to my head. I bang my head against the glass. He leans over. I try and wriggle to get him of me. Its no use. He grabs my hands as i try and push him. Wow. He is strong. "Stop squirming. And i wont hurt you." I start to blush. "Fine." I let Mark tie the blindfold around my head covering my eyes. "Now what?" I question, being very confused in the darkness. "You'll have to wait and see wont you" he starts the engine and we drive off again.
About 5 minutes later he stops again. "(Y/n). Keep the blindfold on. I'll come round, and put you in place." Mark claims. "Um... ok." What the hell is he doing? He walks over to my door and opens it. Taking my hand. I try to get out the car but bang my head on the door. "Ow! Mark careful!" "Oh sorry." I couldnt see his face but i knew he regretted doing that. He leads me more carefully out of the car and directs me to stand on a path. "You ready to see your new home!" i nod slightly. Im abit nervous. Mark did kind of choose my house, because i couldnt really fly over just to see a house. "Ok. (Y/n) on 3 take your blindfold off. 1... 2....4...9. 3!" Mark shouts. I slowly lift the blindfold.
Tears role down my face. Its such a beautiful house. It looks like a holiday villa. Its a large white double story. "You ok?" Worry in Marks eyes. "Yer... its just..." wiping away tears. "Thank you!" I hug him. He smiles as he puts his chip on top of my head. He pulls back. "Common. Lets go look inside." "Ok!" He leads me to the front door and gives me some keys. "Go ahead. Open it up." Mark grins. I smile back excitedly. I take hold of the key and open the door. It swings open. Its amazing! Theres a kitchen attached to the living room and a room to the side next to a staircase. The door has a ribbon on it. I go to open it. Then mark jumps infront of the door. "What. Mark move!" "Nope. You have to save that room for last." "Whatever..." i sigh but smile at the same time. I walk upstairs. Theres amazing patterens on the wood railing. I get up the stairs to find a small hallway. In the rooms there is a bathroom, a small guest room with a desk and my bedroom. On one side of the wall theres a wardrobe with mirrows on each panel, that take up one whole wall. "Ok?" "Mark. Its better than i ever dreamed!" "(Y/n)..." "Mark..." he starts to lean in. His face afew inches from mine. He whispers, "you can look in that room now." An myschevious look covers his face. I sprint downstairs. Nearly falling on the steps. Marks footsteps echo behind me. I reach the door. I turn to see him grinning. "What have you done to this room?" He hesitated to answer, "N..nothing!" "Your lieing..." "please just open the dahm door." I roll my eyes. I twist the nob and swing open the door.
Its a large room. A sofa in the middle with a large HD tv on the wall. Under it a Xbox One, PS4 and a Wii U. There large shelves from floor to roof filled with books and a veriety of games.Then neatly tucked away in the corner is a desk. I slowly walk over to it. Its an Razor computer. And Alien Software monitor and mouse...
"Whe...where did this all come from... who did this?" I say in awe of what is layed out infront of me. All this wonder full and expensive technology. "I... well. I baught it all for you. Like... like a welcome gift. Its just, im so glad your finally here (y/n)." He has a deep blush covering his cheeks. My cheeks get warm to.
I walk up to him. His face scorched in embarassement. "Thank you." I smile up at him. He raps his arms around me. I gently put put my face on his chest. "I can't believe you did this all for me Mark." "Anything for my best friend." He gently takes his arms away from around me. Im actually a little disapointed but the awquardness had kept building.I look down at my watch, 2:45pm. Wow im hungry.
"Mark?" "Yer..." "Im hungry... and i have no food in my fridge." He lifts up his head from looking at the floor. He still has a light shade of red on his cheeks. "I'll take you round to my house than shall i." I nod. "Im so starving right now! Hurry i need foooood!" "Ok. Ok, god (y/n)." He laughs. "Come on. Follow me." He leads me out of my new house and we set off to his.

Never Giving You Up ( markiplier x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu