Air Port

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Todays the day. Im finally going. L.A. With all the big shots. I called my Parents yesterday. And ganna call my best friends when i get to the air port. All the packeges have being flown over already. As for me... well the flight is at 6:35am. Great! It takes 2 hours to get to Gatwick airport from here. Then i need 2 hours to get everything sorted at the air port. So i need to leave around.... 2am.... great. Perfect! Its about 1am right now. I cant sleep. So i decide to make a vlog for my subscribers. I havent done one in a while and this is kind of a big step in life for me.

I set up the camera and audio. I put on my (f/c) headphones and start filming in my recording room. "Hi guys! Its me (y/n). Um... as some of you will know. Im moving. Im going to L.A. I know its a big change from little old England. Im going well.... This morning. Its about 1:15am. And i cant sleep. Um. I know some people have guessed this but. The rumours are partley try." There were rumours me and Mark were together so thats why i was moving. But thats not actually true.... we're just friends. "Im moving to L.A near to where Markiplier lives. We are best friends. We arnt together. Im not going over there to live in his house. I baught my own, thank you! So. I will not be posting videos for a while. I have to settle in and get unpacked first. Then we can go back to normal. Its all good. Well i guess thats it. I'll see you in afew days! Bye!" And with that i switch off the camera. Edit the video and post it on youtube. Imediatly people start commenting. 'Good luck!' 'Dont worry about vids. You need to settle in.' 'Wow thats a change if location much!' My fans can be so nice. Sometimes i do get advertising and haters but my subscribers stick up for me. Its nice. Im still amazed i have over 3 million subscribers. Its just... wow.

I check the time and its 1:30am. I better start getting ready. I get changed into comfy cloths. Eat and pack food into my backpack i'll take on the plane. Also adding a drink. I grab my 3DS and Laptop and put them in too. Then all the important stuff like tickets and passport into the front of the backpack. Its 1:45am. The taxi will arrive about 1:50. Oh god. My phone buzzed. I see the name. Mark. "Hey (Y/n) your leaving soon arnt you" "yer. About 5 minutes." "Yer that is soon! You nervous?" "Nah." "Really?" He obviously missed my sarcasm. "Of course im fucking nervous!" "Ok ok sorry. Well dont worry. I'll be there to help you settle in." "Thanks Mark." "Hey its no problem. See you at the air port!" "Bye." And with that he hung up.

The door bell rings and its time to go. I look around. "Bye house. I'll miss you" i check i have everything and leave the house. The packages were taken last night so the house is empty. I open my door to a very annoyed looking taxi driver. "Took you long enough!" He scowled. "Sorry. Im moving to America and i'll never see this house again." I say patting the door frame. He roles his eyes. "Cummon missy. Lets go." He jestures to the taxi and i climb in. "What radio station do you want?" "Um. Do you have Kiss fm?" "Yep." He changes the radio to Kiss fm as i sit back and try and calm the nerves. I cant stop thinking about if i have left something .... something important... I look through my bag. I dont think i have. Everythings here...

"TINY BOX TIM!" I shout shock filling my face. The taxi sways on the road. "Arrr. What!?" "Oh sorry. Can we go back. I forgot something... sorry..." "Its fine. It will cost you more money though." "I dont mind. Its kind of important to me..." the picture. That pressious picture of when i met Mark was inside Tim. I cant leave it behind. The taxi driver turns around and goes back to the house. We had only driven for 15 minutes so it wasnt to bad to go back. I had added this sort of thing to why i left abit earlier. We get back to the house. I rush into the recording room and find Tiny Box Tim. He was sitting on the floor right where i had left him the other day. I pick him up and get back to the car. "We came back... for a box?" I nod "Yer. It has something very special to me in it." "What is it? If i dont mind me asking?" The taxi driver asks he starts driving again. "Its well. Its a photo." "What of?" "Its of me and a friend.... when we first met." "Well. Yer. I guess that is kind of special. Well Lass. Im feeling abit nice today. I wont charge you for going back to get the picture." What a kind guesture. "Really? Are you sure?" "Yer its fine." He smiles. "Wow. Thanks. Thats awefully kind. I'll be sure to mention you in one of my videos." "Videos?" He gives a questioning look. "Oh. Yer. Im a youtuber. I make videos for the internet. Mostly games. I have over 3 million subscribes. I'll mention you in a vlog when i get to L.A" "Whats your youtube name?" "(youtube name)." "hmm... i think i've seen one of your videos once. It was a GTA video. You did it with Mark someone..." "Markiplier. Yer. We're best friends. Im moving in next to his house. Thats one of the reasons im moving." "Oh. How nice." "Yer. I guess it is." I smile at him.

The drive to the airport was nice. The taxi driver was very kind and halfed the price. I thanked him alot as he helped me get out my bags. I got his name. So if i ever come back to the UK and needed a cab i can call to have him as my driver. It would be nice to catch up then. I check the time. 4:30am. The flights in 2 hours. I check in my flight and bags. I decide i will take my backpack and Tiny box Tim onto the plane with me. I have about a hour left after everything is sorted out. I decide to get a coffee from Costa. I order a drink and sit at a table. Get out my camera and film a mini vlog. "Hey guys. Im at the airport. Ive got my coffee and my flights in about a hour." I look up for afew seconds, and see 2 girls looking and pointing at me. I smile and wave. Thats when they look at each other with shock than back at me. I wave them over. I smile at the camera. "Hi." One of the girls say. "Um... are you (youtube name)?" The other asks. "Yep thats me. And your in my vlog right now. Say hello!" They both squeal and say hello to the camera. "Well. I guess i'll see you when im in L.A! Bye" i wave at the camera and turn it off. The girls still smile at me. "So what are your names? Its great to meet some fans." "Im Lucy and this is Paige." The girl with short brown hair and blue eyes says. The other girl has long blonde wavy hair and blue eyes. They look around 15. Im not that much older than them. Me being 19. "I have about a half hour. Would you like to sit and talk?" Smiles up to their ears form on both their faces. We have a nice time talking about my channel and they tell me abit about why they like it. Then Paige points something out, "Is that Tiny Box Tim?" I had put him on the floor. So i pick him up and put him on the table. "Yep. This is Tim" I grin. "Oh. Are you going today? Your moving in with Markiplier arnt you?" Lucy asks. "Yep im leaving today. And im not moving in with Mark. We will have houses next to each other though." Then paige has a questioning look, "Are you and Mark together? Or do you just fancy him?" Oh no not this shit again. "No we arnt together; we are just friends. I dont fancy him." Lucy and Paige giggle. "What?" After a minute if giggles Lucy speaks up. "Your face tells us otherwise (y/n)!" Wait what. Oh no. I was blushing wasnt i. Dahm it. I check the time. 6am. Flights at 6:35. "I have to go. Well it was nice meeting you both. Bye." "Wait!" I turn to them as i get up. "Can you sign this please?" Lucy asks guiltely grinning. "Sure." I sign her t-shirt and head to the plane departure station.

On the plane its calming. I booked a first class seat. The flight is 10 hours, so i want to be comfortable. I get free drinks and food here aswell. During the flight i take afew videos of the take off and sunrise. And another just to update on how im feeling. Most of the trip i play on my 3DS. Who knew they can be so much fun.

I arrive in L.A at around 8:30am. I take a small vlog as i leave the plane. "I just arrived in L.A. Im just leaving the plane. It was a long fucking flight! Anyway i have tiny box Tim with me and Marks meeting me in the airport. I cant wait to meet him! Im ganna film it guys. Dont worry." I collect my luggage and head to the pick up point and get out my camera ready to find Mark.

I dont see him. This is worrying. I decide to ring him. "Hey dude where are you?" "WAIT WHAT! ARE YOU AT THE AIRPORT ALREADY! SHIT!" "You forgot." I sigh. "Ha asif. Turn that camera on and turn around dimbwit!" I turn the film on and turn around. And there he was. Markiplier himself. Standing afew metres away. "Hey! Welcome to L.A (y/n)!" I run up to him and hug him. He hugs back. This is cool. I finally get to meet Mark. With him being my Best Friend! "Hey Markipoo!" I let go and look up at him. He is much taller than i thought... "I said not to say that didnt i." he gives a disapointed scowl. "Sorry." I grin. Then end the camera video. "Wheres my biscuit?" Worry fills his eyes. I go back over to my luggage and pick up Tim. "Oh my god he is sooooo cute!" Mark squeals. "Yes. Yes he is." "Well (y/n). I better get you to your new house like promised!" He takes one of my bags and i take another. We get to his car and he has a awesome looking 4x4. Large curved corners, smooth finish and silver. "Wow. Sweet car Mark!" "Thanks." He grins back, a small blush showed. We put my stuff in the back and i got in the car. Its even nicer on the inside. Black leather seats and cup holders. Nice. Way better than my little Ford i had.

"You all set?" He turns to me. "Yep. As ready as i will ever be..." "(y/n) im really glad your here..." i smile and blush. "So am i Mark... So am i."

And with that we drive out of the airport. To my new home.

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