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Mark calls me up at 8 in the morning. I turn to the phone on the bedside and answer. "I was sleeping, you fucker." "Wow. You are not a happy person in the morning, are you?" "No shit sherlock. What you want Mark?" I groan. "Was wondering if you could join me in a charity LiveStream today? Starts at 10." "Depends what your doing." "Um.. well. Games, obviously, and a Q&A." "Ok. Fine." I hang up the phone. I run down stairs and grab a bowl of (fav/cereal). I jump onto the sofa and turn on the TV.
Im then rudely interrupted by a nock on my door. "GO AWAY!" I shoit at the door to busy enjoying my cereal. "Let me innnnnn!" Mark whines, continuing to bang on the door. "FUCK OFF!" "Noooooooooo!" Mark begins to scrape at the door. "For fuck sake Mark."
I put the cereal down and go to the door. I open it alittle to see Marks face on the door. "What?" "Ou dont wake uo fast then?" "No." "Ok. Come on, open the door. We have to prepare for the stream!" "Im in my PJ's..." "So am I." Mark smirks. I look at what he is wearing. He wasnt lying. He has his Markiplier PJ pants on and a Markiplier top. "God you really do love yourself, hm?" "Hey. They are comfy. Come on lets go." Mark pushs against my door and runs in.
"This isnt your house!" "I know!" Mark shouts running upstairs. I close the door and grab my cereal again. When I finish I wash the dish and look around for Mark. He sits in the recording room. "Excusimwa?" I ask. "Hm?" Mark lifts his head from under the desk and wacks it on the surface. I gasp as he sinks back down. "Fuck. That hurt." Mark moans as he holds his head. "You nicompoop." Mark sits back against the wall making growny noises. "What were you doing?" "Checking your computer. I was thinking I could probabley make a better one. Would you like a better one?" "To be fair. I havent really used it much so... no. I still need to mess it up before i decide." We both chuckle. Marm eventually stands up and walks out the room and down the hall again. "Where are you going?" I follow him to find Mark snooping throigh my fridge. "Hey get out! My food!" I say, ducking under his arm inbetween him and my precious food. "But im hungry." "You fucking live next door!" I laugh. Mark thinks over what I said, "Oh yer." He moves away and I close the fridge.
"We seriously have to go prepare for the LiveStream." Mark points out the time. 9. The stream is at 10.
"Ok. Im ganna change." I start walking towards my bedroom. Mark grabs my wrist before I get inside. "No." "What?" "We can have a pajama livestream! For one it fun and two its comfortable." "Sounds good." I laugh.
We head towards the door and I lock it up. We walk the few paces to get to Marks house. Marks house is even more cleaner. "Ok so I guess I stay messy when im stressed and you super clean?" I point out. Mark chuckles nervously, "y..yer. it makes me forget the stress temporarily." "Makes sense."
"So we are doing the live stream in my office. We need to set up cameras and the donation page. Also the games we want to play, thats probabley a good idea." Mark goes through what must be done within the next hour. I nod and start to run around grabbing things we need. Mark sorts out the facecam and I sort out the screens for the games.
After half a hour sorting thins out we are finally done. Its 9:45 so we have afew minutes. "Im ganna run home quick!" I shout to Mark as I run out the door. I unlock my door and head inside. I run to the kitchen and grab a ton of snacks and sweets, then run back into Marks. Mark laughs as I enter the recording room. "You serious y/n? I have snacks!" Mark chuckles. "Dont care. You might eat them all. These are my foods. You no touchy!" I laugh. Mark holds his hands up in defence and smirks. I go to Marks kitchen and take afew bowls out the cupboard to put the foods in.
When I get back Mark is making a small vlog to advertise the stream. "-so come on down. Follow the link. And yer y/n here, is ganna be joining me! So go go go!" Mark smirks and uploads the clip. When Im finished organising my snacks I catch Mark staring at me. "What?" "Hm? What?" "Ur. Your staring at me. That is rude." "Oh sorry." He turns away with rosy cheeks.
Afew seconds later Mark purcks up again. "Well come on you! Lets do this!" I laugh as Mark sets up the camera and the live stream officially starts.

Never Giving You Up ( markiplier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now