Chapter 4, Screaming Into Pillows

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Chapter 4:
"Screaming into Pillows"

Marie's PoV

One week later

This was my third date with Alex and I  am really excited. When we met we clicked and it felt right.

The dates have gone great so far and I'm hoping he'll ask me to be his girlfriend!

If you want to see what her look is for this read on! If not then skip to the next bit of italicised text. Btw this is a fluff chapter but is kinda important.  ^-^

Looking at my face in the mirror. Should I do my usual makeup, or try something new?

Pressing my lips together I decide to do the usual but spice it up a bit.

As per usual I put foundation on all of my exposed skin to get rid of any violet tones. Then I put concealer under my eyes and on blemishes.

Here's where I change it up. Grabbing some white, grey, and black eyeshadow I start making a smoky eye. Smiling at how it turned out I grab my eyeliner and do a thick wing. Looking at my lipsticks I bypass my usual red, instead grabbing a berry purple. Debating between blush and bronzer I grab the blush and spread a light pink onto my cheeks.

Smiling I move onto figuring out my hair. Brushing it out I decide to curl it.

Finishing curling I smile, the curls bring out my natural violet highlights.

Alex said it was fairly fancy so I was just wearing my favourite dress and wedge boots.

Ok! Onto the date, btw I might upload a picture of the boots and dress later but I don't feel like going and grabbing them just for the picture :P

Walking up to the restaurant I look at Alex and smile. He looks back and smiles too. Opening the door he motions me forward.

After entering the restaurant we walk up to the hostess. Alex smiles, "Do you have a table for two available?" The lady looks around. "Yes we do, please follow me." She smiles and walks away.

Interlocking my fingers with Alex's I walk after the lady. Sitting down a waiter comes over and hands us a menu. A few minutes later we both order.

Time skeep because I don't know what happens on dates D: #4evaralone

Standing outside his apartment I open my mouth to say good night but he cuts me off my putting a finger on my chin and kissing me.

After a second he pulls away and looks at me nervously. "Why, why don't you come in?" He said motioning in.

Smiling up at him I walk in. Following him he brings me to his bedroom.


Sitting down he pat the bed next to him and smiles. I walk in nervously and sit.

"Um, Marie." He says fidgety.

"Yeah?" I ask. This can't be good.

"Youmakemereallyhappysowillyoubemygirlfriendplease." He blurted out.

"What the fuck did you just say babe?" I laugh.

Slowing down he repeats himself, "You make me really happy so, will you be my girlfriend please?"

I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck in a big bear hug. "Yes! Yes I will!" I cry out, so happy.

He leans in and kisses me again. "See ya later girlfriend." He said smirking.

"Yes boyfriend." I smirk back at him and walk out.

Shutting the door to my apartment I run and jump onto my bed face down.

Grabbing my pillow I scream into it.

He's my boyfriend! He's my boyfriend!

Alex's PoV

She never takes off her sunglasses...

Yay! It's a total fluff chapter but I really wanted to make a fluff chapter. Sorry if this is boring but it gets more interesting in the next two chapters!
That's all!


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