Chapter 5, Discoveries

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Chapter 5:

Marie's PoV

A week later (again)

At about 10 am someone knocked on my door. "COMING!" I yell. Rubbing my eyes I walk over to the door. Yawning I answer it, "Heylo?"

Alex stared at me. His face scrunched in confusion. "Marie?"

I nod. "What?" I ask grumpily. Hey! He woke me up at 10 in the fucking morning.

"You, you have v-violet eyes. And v-violet hair." He stuttered. "And-and your skin...?"

I nod not understanding. Suddenly my eyes widen as I realise what he's saying. "Shit!" I slam the door.

I attempt to run my hand through my hair but am stopped by countless tangles. Through the door I hear his muffled voice, "Marie, let me in we can talk."

Putting my face in my hands I shake my head before remembering he can't see me. "No." I answer stubbornly.

"Marie please. I have to tell you something too."

I didn't run away to a small town in the middle of nowhere to get recognised. "Alex you don't get it. I have to leave now. I have to run away and live on the run again."

"Marie you can trust me, just open the door." He pleaded.

Biting my lip I stand up. Opening the door Alex stares at me.

"What?" I snap angrily.

He swallows. "My dad... is the leader of the Universal Faerfolke Blood Collectors."

I stare at him as my eyes widen.

Alex's PoV

It's 10 am. I know it's early but I want to take Marie out for a surprise date to breakfast.

Knocking on the door I hear a yell of "Coming."

After a moment Marie opens the door in a vest and boy shorts. "Heylo?" She answers.

Furrowing my brow I stare at her. Something is off. "Marie?" I ask. She looks different. Her... eyes, her skin, her hair. No sunglasses?

"What?" She replies. Stuttering I voice my thoughts as it clicked in my mind. She's the last. She's the last faerperson.

Nodding her eyes widen. Slamming the door she yells, "Shit."

I have to tell her. My dad's the leader of the UFBC.

After a while of pleading she opens the door. I can see from her expression she's pissed.

Gulping I spit it out. "My dad... is the leader of the Universal Faerfolke Blood Collectors."

Her eyes widen.

Eyyyyy I really don't like this chapter particularly, but I had to get their secrets out to one another.

School starts on the last week of August eeww. lilly27494 aren't you soo excited. That's all!


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