Chapter 3, Meeting Marie

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Chapter 3:
"Meeting Marie"

Alex's PoV

Day before Marie's PoV occurred.

I walked into the apartment buildings lobby and looked up. One each of the three floors above me was a balcony that I assumed all of the apartments connects to.

Snapping myself out of it I walked up to the front desk and smiled. "Hi, I'm Alex Jones, I'm moving into my apartment today, one bedroom."

The lady at the desk smiled. "Okay Mr. Jones. I have you listed here." She motioned to the computer. Standing up she walked to a safe and opened it. Grabbing a key she walked over and handed it to me. "Apartment 203, you are across from 204, next to 201 and 205. Thank you!" She smiled brightly and I moved on.

Heading to the elevator I pushed five. After it arrived I counted the apartment numbers. "201, 202, 203!" Pulling my key out of my pocket I unlocked the door and walked in. Damn my dad hadn't wasted any expense furnishing this place.

Walking around I explored the apartment. Finding the bedroom I flopped down on the bed. This has been a long day of travel.

Grabbing my phone I call my dad.

Bold is his dad, italics is Alex.

Hey dad!

Hello son.

How are you?

Fine. How have you settled in?

I've settled in quite well, you didn't spare any expense furnishing this did you?

Well. With my only child why not go all out? *chuckles*

Yep! *chuckles as well* Well that's all I really wanted to say, bye dad!

Bye son. Don't forget to get a job!

Finee *smiles*

With that I ended the call. I always liked talking to my dad, he always knew how to make me laugh.

Thinking back to what he said I sigh and grab my keys. "Time to get a job."

Time skeep to the next day

Grabbing some cash I walk out to the grocery store. After getting all of my food I walk back to the apartment place.

When walking into the lobby I see a tired looking girl with blonde and violet hair shut the elevator doors.

"Damn it." I say under my breath.

Instead of waiting for the elevator I go with my grocery bags up the three flights of stairs.

When I enter my bedroom I smell something funky. Sniffing around I realise it's my shirt. Quickly pulling off my shirt I put it on the bed. Before I can grab a shirt someone knocks on the door.

Thinking nothing of it I open the door. The girl I saw on the elevator stares at me. "Abah-hubaduhbuba" was all that came out. Smiling I look down and quickly blush.

"Let me grab a shirt." I quickly shut the door and run to my suitcase and grab a shirt. Rushing back I open the door and smile at her.

After we talk and exchange numbers she leaves. Heading back to my bed I pause. Something was off about her outfit. Thinking back I scrunch my eyes shut.

Suddenly my eyes burst open. She was wearing sunglasses.




Oke, I haves nothing to say. Sowwy


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