Chapter 1, I Suppose an Explanation is in Order.

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Chapter 1:
"I Suppose an Explanation is in Order"

Ok, hey what's up it's ya girl Archer.

I won't ever again don't worry xD.

So welcome to Deadly Love. This is an original story that I have created. Well that's the point of it being an original story. CON-tinuing. I'll hand it over to my handy-dandy explanationer thingie.


The Faerfolke were a race that has been practically erased. A faerperson live to about 10,000 years, however they are easily killed. A faerperson ages almost like a normal human, but the stages take about 100 time longer. That's why they live to 10,000 not 100 like humans.

The Faerfolke weren't killed off naturally, oh no. When it was discovered their blood cured some of the most deadly cancers, the world created a draft to what they called the "Universal Faerfolke Blood Collectors." This was soon nicknamed the Faerkillers because the more blood the more pay you got. The Faerkillers didn't care about the faerpeople so they killed them and collected the blood. The world didn't care because by the end they had collected plenty, however it was decided to allow the Faerkillers to continue the slaughter.

A faerperson has blonde hair often with violet streaks in it. All faerpeople have violet eyes and varying shades of violet skin tones. Averaging between 5'0" and 5'6" they are of a shorter stature. Most Faerfolke are slender. Boys are often muscular and girls normally have small curves.

Marie herself has white-blonde hair with bright violet streaks. She also has bright violet eyes that she often hides behind sunglasses. Her skin is near porcelain with just a hint of violet that is barely noticeable. She stands to a height of 5'1". She has high cheekbones, plump lips, rosy cheeks, and a small straight nose that curves up at the tip. She usually wears winged black eyeliner and red lipstick. She enjoys a lot of physical activities such as climbing trees, running, and swimming. She is also a dreamer and as such enjoys writing, singing, and drawing. She is 230, equivalent to 23 human years old.

Alex himself is human, specifically a mix of Caucasian and Chinese. He stands at 6 foot and is muscular and slender. He has short black hair and deep blue eyes. He has a mediumish straight nose and full lips. He is clean-shaven. A very athletic boy he enjoys playing American football, football, and baseball. He has a varied taste of other stuff he enjoys, classical music, gaming (CoD, Minecraft, Halo, etc.), and listening to his father's stories. He is a 23 year old. You'll meet him later in the story.

Psssh I didn't totally forget it was Wednesday which is my one of my upload days for this.

Anyways, when I get sims four I'm going to make all my characters so it'll be better for me and I guess you to see them. Yah!
That's all! Thanks for reading, ily all!


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