They Don't Know| Chap. 1

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"It's nothing stupid, Kels. Just listen."

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her breasts. Typical Kelendria Rowland on a Monday morning.

"He asked me to give him another chance."

"Hell no!" She answered for me.

"Heck no, Kelly." Michelle corrected. "Keep it holy."

"Forget keeping it Holy, Michelle.. Beyoncé do not give him another chance."

"Why not?"

"Why not? You were considering doing it?"

"I mean I've thought about it! but then I thought about what he's put me through and I said forget it.. besides he's only-"

"Cheated twice with two good friends of yours and got one pregnant, but yeah thats no big deal."

"Everyone makes mistakes, Kelly.. Chris is really sweet under all that tough skin!"

"Well you're about to make an even bigger one if you say yes."

"I'm not going to.. I'll just mess around with him."

"Don't say I didn't tell you so." She said rolling her eyes.

"I won't." Ever since Chris and I started talking 3 years ago, Kelly's been real iffy about him and she won't tell me why. I'm not sure if she's jealous because she's sharing me with someone else or if it's because she's not in relationship yet.

"Lemme school you on a few things about connection, Beyoncé." Michelle said tapping my shoulder. I turned to her and raised my eyebrow.

"You don't even have a boyfriend yourself, Michelle."

"It doesn't matter, just listen. The key to a relationship is communication and compromising. With those two things, everything will work out fine!-"

I nodded my head, looking towards the front of the room and fell into a trance as her words became muffled. The most gorgeous Man walked across the black and white tiled floor and placed a green book and a few pieces of papers on the desk.

"Are you listening to me, Beyoncé?"

"Huh? Yeah yeah, Chelle.. I'm listening."

His golden skin glistened under the warm lights, like a duck sitting on rippling water. His white collared shirt outlined his many muscles and abs as he briefly moved around the small area and his tongue moistened his large lips and he hunched over, concentrating carefully. He licked them again.

Was he fantasizing about me? I asked myself. Of course not, Beyoncé. He hasn't even looked at you yet! All eyes drew onto Chris like magnets as he nonchalantly walked into the classroom and to his seat.

One strap on his shoulder and the other one tapping his butt with every step he took. Kelly grilled him, I shook my head.

"Young man." The Heavenly Angel called out. His voice was stern and deep. It made me wetter than all 5 oceans colliding together. "Why are you late?" I wiped the excess drool that trickled along the side of my mouth and turned to him.

He sat with his head back and his lip creased. Sort of like he had no care in the world... because he didn't.

"Missed the bus." We made eye contact and he gave me a nod.

I turned around and looked down at my lap, eagerly fiddling with the pencil that was in my hand. Chris is a super senior, which means he's been in high school for 5 years instead of 4.

"Next time please have a late pass, or get up on time."

"Who are you?" Chris asked with an attitude. I palmed my forehead and shook it.

The Man fixed his tie and cleared his throat, centering himself in front of the room and placed his folded hands across his crotch. I bit my lip.

"I was just getting to that, actually." He said. "I am Mr. Carter... your new health teacher." My body flowed with happiness. "I've heard everything about Mrs. Coleman and the impact she had on each and every one of you."

He began to walk around. "It is my job to fill her shoes and make her proud." His eyes brushed past me and up a little as I realized he was looking at Chris. "That's who I am. With that being said-" he slammed his hands together. "Here is your first project of the semester."

He placed a large cardboard box on the table and smiled. Everyone groaned.

"I know, I know.. but this is still school and you guys still have the same responsibilities as you would've had before. Partners are listed on this paper right here, grab any doll you'd like."

I was the only one left sitting down in my chair as everyone rushed forward to take a look at what was assigned. Red hearts and bright yellow stars rained down before me.

The sight of him was magical. His smile was perfect and he had such beautiful features. He was truly God's work of art. He gradually began to approach me, but I couldn't bring myself out of this real life dream.

Snap out of it Beyoncé, I tried telling myself over and over again but nothing was working.

"Ms. Knowles?" I blinked a few times and looked up. He blinded me with the pearls he called teeth.

He knows my name! I smiled like a doofus then relaxed my face muscles, bringing it back to a calm setting. "You know my name?" I ended up asking.

"Of course I do. It's right here on your ID card." He pointed to my ugly picture. I cringed.  I looked down at his long fingers and grew super curious as to how they'd taste if my juices were saturated all over them.

"What are you talking about?" I meant to ask in my head.

"Is your name not Beyoncé Knowles?" HE PRONOUNCED IT RIGHT! Marry me, please! I smiled again.

"Yes, I'm Beyoncé." He chuckled. It sounded sarcastic and sort of like a goat but that only made me love it even more.

"Well, Beyoncé.. You're more than welcome to go get your work."

"I will, sorry about that."

"It's fine, beautiful picture by the way." He winked and turned his back to me, logging in onto the new Apple computer.

Published: November 15th, 2015.
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