They Don't Know| Chap. 2

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I closed my sequined notebook, sliding it under my vaguely torn mattress and picked up my baby girl, Alana, who I'm assigned to take care of for the week. I snatched my droning cellphone from off of the dresser and put it to my ear.

"Good morning, Wugga." I greeted Nicki, walking down the whimpering steps. They brought back terrible memories of the way my now deceased, Uncle Ray, used to play his violin every Thanksgiving and Christmas afternoon. It was harrowing, but no one ever told him that.

"Morning Bey, how are you?"

"I was expecting to wake up and see you sitting on my rug eating a bowl of Lucky Charms, but you get tired of me sometimes, I understand.. Next time leave a note, won't ya?"

"I live, sleep and breathe you, BB, you know this!" She paused. "I'm sick." She coughed and I grimaced, pulling the phone away from my face.

"You were fine yesterday?" I said completely muddled.

"I know," she sniffled. "But I slept with the AC on after I got out the shower."

"What sense did that make?"

"None.. but I was hot."

"Perhaps taking off your clothes and pulling the covers down some would've helped."

"But Jelani's home and feels that he can walk into my bedroom whenever he pleases."

I sighed. "So you'll be out today?"

"Don't be sad, Honey Bey, this isn't my first time being absent."

"And I'm sure it won't be your last.." I said peeling a banana. "I swear Onika, this better not be an excuse so you can go get some dick from Wanna- Be- Down, Rodger." She giggled and turned over in bed.

"It's not an excuse, Bey. Besides, if I really wanted some, I'd get it from Papi Juan.. Not Rod."

"How come I still haven't met him?"



"I dunno." She shrugged. "You never asked."

"I shouldn't have to ask, I'm your best friend.. For as long as y'all have been messing around, him and I should be acquaintances."

"We can schedule something next week when he's not busy.."

"Does he sell drugs?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Just so he can buy his Dad and brothers a bigger house. Other than that, he's a pretty decent guy." 

"Wouldn't a well paid job help out with that?"

"Not everyone has the same ways of doing things, B. He just wants to fit in."

"What happened to originality?"

"That doesn't exist in this generation anymore.. Matter fact, I'm not even sure it ever did?" She shook her head. "Don't worry about him, I got that."

"I'm not worried about him." I said raising my voice a little. "I'm worried about you. I don't need you being broken hearted and depressed again over some hoodlum."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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