Ch.13 University Student

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Carla was pacing back and forth while, and bombing her two sons with questions, early in the morning, "Is that already all? Are you sure? Have you double checked it? Triple checked?" She asked in one breath.

It was the day where Eren and Levi went to move out to the dorm, because on a few days later, they will start their studies as university student in Trost University.

"Yes, mom. Yes to all. Don't worry, everything already packed up," Eren smiled tiredly. Since before dawn, his mother already having a minor panic attack, running here and there, making noises all around the house, and woke the whole house up while rambling continuously about Levi and his packaging along with preparation for their university and dorm's needs.

"Are you sure? Do you still need anything? We still have time to buy some—"

"Mom, everything is here, in the back of the car," Eren cut her off as he held Carla's shoulder to make her stop blabbering and gave her another smile, "Thank you for lending your car, by the way. Levi and I will somehow get our own car soon. Well, not too soon. But, you know, heh," He snorted.

"Yeah, we still need more money, but hey, a few part time here and paycheck there will get us closer to our own car soon," Levi shrugged, giving Eren a hopeful smile. The tan young man replied it with the assuring smile, eyes were locking at each other.

"Well, aren't you guys the sweetest couple ever! Am I right, dear?" Carla clapped her hands in excitement, she asked her half-awake husband who was standing sleepily beside her.

"Mhm, yeah, yeah," Grisha only nodded with his eyes closed.

He was having a night shift at the hospital, and just got back home a few hours ago, before he'd been woken up by the sound of his wife panicking about Eren and Levi that will be going to their dorm in a few minutes. And by minute, means hours later.

"Uh, anyway..." Levi looked up at his parents.

"Oh, shush, Levi. Please don't get awkward with us like that. At least gave us a proper good bye," Carla looked at him sadly. Ever since Eren and Levi told them about their relationship, the pale boy became a bit distant to Carla and Grisha these past few weeks.

"I know, I just—"

Levi was cut off by Carla who was hugging him tightly, "You are still my son, and I am still your mother," She murmured before she let go.

Carla was looking at Levi with loving eyes and then smiled widely, "Or, if you're feeling awkward with that, just think that Grisha and I as your in-laws, since you are now with Eren and all that couple thing. Whatever makes you comfortable," She winked at Levi playfully.

"You know, some people don't get along with their in-laws," Grisha said while he was yawning.

"Well, I am not like that kind of in-laws. We are already a family since we took Levi with us, him being in a relationship with Eren doesn't change anything, we are still family," Carla frowned.

"Of course, dear," Grisha pecked her on her cheek, earning a smile from Carla. But honestly, Grisha just didn't want to hear anymore rambling from his wife. He was just agreeing with her to shut her up.

Eren and Levi smiled at the sight, before the shorter one opened his mouth to speak, "Thank you, mom. And thank you for the car."

"You boys better visit us as often as possible, that was the main purpose for me giving you the car," Carla gave them a pointed look.

"But dad said to focus on our study," Eren butt in.

"Well, that too. But since your mother said to visit us often, then you need to visit us often," Grisha said as he crossed his arm.

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