Ch.02 Levi's Story

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It's warm, it's comfy, but something's missing...

The sound of the door opening awakes him.

Levi slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times and then looked around to adjust to his surroundings.

He tried to sit himself up and looked down, realizing that he was under a fluffy blanket and in a soft bed with nice clean pajamas on.

He frowned, remembering that he was supposed to be in an alley somewhere in some random neighborhood, hungry, and freezing to death because he only wore his thin clothes and old boots.

Did he go back to the orphanage? Did the workers find him and bring him back?

But this is definitely not the orphanage. If this was the Rose Maria Orphanage, the bed would be hard and creaky, also the blanket would be just a thin layer of fabric which made it hard to sleep for most of the children including him.

So, where was he now?

Panic ran through him. Did he get kidnapped? Did he get taken by strangers to be sold on the black market just like what he heard from the groundskeeper back at the orphanage?

Levi didn't know what a black market was, but that's definitely not a good thing, right?

His head snapped to the left and he saw a man sleeping on a chair not far from the bed he was sitting in.

The man seemed like he had fallen asleep while writing or doing something on a desk. His arm rested on the desk, making it a pillow for his head.

He didn't know what to do. He didn't know if the man was a good man or a bad man. Just when he was in the middle of the chaos in his own mind, scared and afraid because he didn't know what had happened, a hushed voice called him.

"You awake?"

There was a boy peeking through the door with big sparkling eyes and a huge smile on his face.

Light came from the other side of the door, and slowly Eren went into the room leaving the door half open. The boy went closer and when he reached the bed, he hopped onto it and sat beside Levi with his legs swinging back and forth.

"Hey, you okay? Cold?" The bright eyed boy put his hands onto Levi's while looking at him with those big eyes, head tilted to his side.

"Who... Where?" Levi answered him with confusion. The boy in front of him looked familiar but also unfamiliar.

"Eh? I'm Eren, you don't remember? You were awake before but then you went back to sleep again, immediately," Eren pouted.

Ah, ah.

So that's why the boy looked familiar at some point.

He saw the boy when he was in a half-awake state or maybe still in dream land because of all the warm blanket, soft bed, and clean pajamas.

Levi shook his head, "I was too sleepy with the fluffy bed and comfy blanket. And the pajamas too. Is this yours, um...?"



"My name, is Eren. And yes, those are my pajamas. Nice, right? They're one of my favorite pajamas," He said with a grin.

Oh. Levi's cheeks were getting red. He was wearing someone's favorite pajamas without permission.

"I'm Levi. I—"

"I know. You told me your name when you woke up before you went back to sleep again, immediately." Eren cut Levi's conversation while giggling, repeating the same words he told Levi just before.

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