Ch.16 Reunion

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Eren was sleeping soundly on his bed, making Levi smiled softly at the sight. Levi came into Eren's room to wake him up after he took a morning shower. Levi approached Eren and then he shook the tan shoulder gently in a hushed voice, "Eren, wake up. We're going to meet with Armin, Mikasa, and everyone at The Colossal Restaurant, remember?"

When Eren was giving him no response, Levi tried to wake him up again and shook him a little harder, "Eren? Eren, wake up. If you're not waking up, we're gonna be late."

The shook made Eren stirred awake, "Mmm, where's my morning kiss?" He asked dreamily, voice still groggy from sleep and eyes still closed.

"I won't give you any if you're not opening your eyes," Levi scoffed.

Eren slowly opened his eyes and then pursed his lips, making a kissy motion. Levi smiled in amusement before he gave Eren a small peck on the lips.

"That's not a kiss. Our lips were barely touching!" Eren pouted.

Levi only shrugged before he was being attacked by Eren's lips without any warning. It was a deep, hard kiss on the lips that last for a few seconds, and then Eren let it go with a final lick on Levi's lower lip.

"Now that's a kiss," Eren smiled triumphantly.

It was so sudden and made Levi's heart beating so fast. Levi only stared at the young man in front of him, dumbfounded, face flushed re as his finger slowly tracing his own lips.

Eren got up from his bed and patted Levi's soft silk black hair, "I'll go get ready," He said before disappeared into the bathroom.

Levi blinked slowly into the desk across the room. And then he started to blink normally when he realized that Eren's backpack which filled with some of his belongings from the dorm was lying on the floor.

Levi got up and grabbed the backpack, still heavy, meant that Eren just let the backpack laying there since they arrived yesterday without unpacking.

Pale hand quickly opened the backpack and begun unpacking without hesitant. If people beside Eren saw this, they probably would think that Levi was being rude by rummaging into someone else's belongings. But the truth, it was normal for Eren and Levi. Plus, he helped Eren packed his belongings at the dorm before they went back home, that's why he knew that there was nothing to be hidden from him.

He was putting Eren's loose shirts and baggy shorts that he bought back from the dorm into the wardrobe -because Eren can't sleep if he's not wearing those clothes even though sometimes he sleep naked- and that was when he saw one of Eren's cardigan between the pile of clothes.

Levi took the cardigan and stared at it with a smile on his face. He really liked it when Eren wore the cardigan -this cardigan to be exact-, it made Eren's green eyes stood out beautifully, and made his tall body looked slender. He was wondering why Eren didn't bring this cardigan to the dorm, it was comfortable as fuck, and Eren love to wear comfy clothes. But then he only shrugged at himself as he was patting the soft fabric.

Levi didn't know how it happened, but then he sniffed at the cardigan which smells like home and Eren, and slowly put it on himself. He stared at the mirror and chuckled, 'The cardigan is so loose in me,' He thought.

Silver blue eyes still looking at the mirror, checking himself wore Eren's cardigan. But that's not for long, because the sound of a door clicked open surprised him. Levi froze on his place when he realized that he was not alone anymore in the room.

Eren was back from the bathroom, head faced down looking on the floor as his hands drying his dark chocolate hair with a towel. His movement stopped when he saw Levi's leg, unmoving across the room. He looked up, seeing Levi with flushed face while stood nervously over there. His eyes finally set on the cardigan that hanging loosely on Levi's pale, tiny body.

Heart Sanctuary - Eren/Levi (Modern AU) - AoT/SnKUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum