I just want them back ~13~

Start from the beginning

On my way home I just looked at every single detail about everything. It's funny how I discovered new things on the way. I opened the door with the key hidden under the mat. The smell of raspberry attacked my nosetrils and I smiled. Is what home smells like to me. I walked to the kitchen to see dad standing in front of the fridge. He looks like he's thinking. Probably about mom. You can see the sadness on his eyes like he's missing something or someone right now. I clear my throat and he's whole expression changed. "Hey kiddo!" He said as a huge smile replaced his frown. "Hi dad!" I said hugging him tight.

"Why so happy?" He asked with a chuckle responding to my random hug. "I don't know. Why is town so ghost like?" I asked leaning against the counter. "Something about the town having a meeting or something? I don't really pay attention to those." He said with a smile. I laughed and nodded. "So dad... Did Liam dropped by to leave my phone?" I asked. "Umm.. I have a question for you Abigail." I cocked an eyebrow and he crossed his arms across his crest. "Where the hell have you been this days? You haven't been sleeping here. I know that you drink cause that's what your clothes say. Abigail I know you're a teenager and you like to have a lot of fun. Trust me we did, your mother and I..." His voice trailed off. Oh no. This isn't good. I know my dad always had no problem with me partying but mom did I never knew why? I guess both should be worried about it, right? He moved his head and then sigh. "Your mother and I met at a party." Well this should be interesting. None of my parents told me how they met.

"You know the big ones were the whole school and half another school gets together? Well yeah that one. I was the player of the school Abigail every girl just wanted something from me and you know what that is. Then your mother was one of those innocent shy girls who wouldn't kill a fly, just sitting there watching how everyone else got intoxicated by drugs and alcohol. Of all the girls I could've had I chose that one. The one sitting there quietly. I remember like it was just yesterday." He half smiled. Seeing his smile like that made me happy. Is the kind of smile that warms you up and makes you smile for no reason. "I was with my friends and a cheerleader was holding on to my jacket. My friend, Jake, he said that he would be disgusted if he was seen with your mother one day. He said she was not worth it. I just said that she was too much for him so I took a last sip from my drink and made my way over to her. I sat down next to her then and we talked. Turns out all of us were wrong. She was actually an amazing person. She was just to shy to show the world. After that I asked her if she needed a ride she said she came with a friend but she ditched her. I took her to dance and that's where we had fun. After what seem like ages of dancing she smiled her smile tied me down to her." He paused and I could tell it was killing him. I haven't seen my mom in about 4 months now. She just left.

"I couldn't help but to do my usual idiot move. I kissed her right there. In front of all of them. She liked me too apparently. She kissed me back and... And well little did we know what was going to happen. The thing is that after a month she told me she was feeling weird. We were dating then. It was the first girl I dated and things were serious. I told her that she didn't have to worry it was only just a little flu. She avoided me for two weeks then. I started to get worried sick about her until I spotted her on the field alone after school. She said she didn't want anything to do with me but I refused until she told me. She told me that the night we met we went too far and then she was missing her period so when she went to the doctor he told her she was expecting a baby." He smiled at that thought and so did. I never knew this. "I told her that no matter what I was going to be there for her and that I was never going to leave her. She was my everything back then and she still is. Abigail, I love your mother with all my force and might. My point is that she never wanted you to end up like we did. Young parents. She wanted the best for you." He said walking closer to me. I knew that they were young parents I mean they looked like it but this was sweet. How he was a player she was a quite girl and they end up getting married?! That's something that only happens on movies!

"So is she coming back?" I asked hopefully. I may not have the best relationship with my mother but the truth is that I love her and I can't live without her. She's the woman who brought me to earth for God sakes! I really want her back now. "She said she'll come back on Friday." Dad said with a huge wicked grin. Finally! Just two more days and we'll be the family we used to be. I hugged my dad and buried my head in his chest. "Woah there kiddo! What came over you?" He asked with a chuckle. "Nothing." I said backing off. "So the thing I was trying to tell you is that we don't want you to get hurt. You have a future ahead of you, Abi." I smiled at his concern well at their concern cause I know mom has part on this. I nodded and decided to go up to my room. I shut the door behind me and press my back against it. "Finally." I said walking away from the door and throwing myself at my bed. I took my heels off and grab my laptop from my night stand and started to surf the Internet.

I just want my family back.

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