chapter 14

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Blake and I are back stage getting ready to go out and start the show. I'm really nervous because I'm supposed to catch a ball that tony romo throws me and I don't wanna miss it.
"Luke Blake your on in 30" the backstage person told us
"you ready bud?" Blake asked when he turned to me
"ready as I'll ever be"
we walk out and I see Caroline til and Aubrey sitting by Miranda. til had his arm around Aubrey.
"what's up houston" I say when it's my cue
"welcome to the 50th ACM awards!"
and with that the night continued

the end of the award show
Tils POV
Uncle Luke ended up winning entertainer of the year. the award show was great and so much fun. Aubrey and I danced and sang along with all the songs. right now we are at the after party and of course all of the adults are drunk. aunt caroline is more sober than uncle luke and things are getting hectic. uncle luke is grinding all over her and that is one image i will never get out of my head. Aubrey and i have been cuddling on the couch for the past hour watching everybody make a fool out of themselves until we both fell asleep in each others arms.
Miranda came and woke us up telling us it was time to go home and that aunt caroline was trying to get uncle luke into the limo
when aubrey and i got settled in she laid her head on my shoulder and fell right to sleep. the whole ride home uncle luke was telling me all about the time he was hunting for dogs with Jason and Blake and accidentally shot the tire to the truck and they were stranded out in the woods. aunt caroline and i were just laughing at him because we both knew that wasnt true.
eventually we got home and i picked aubrey up and carried her up to my room. she curled up into my chest as i carried her up the stairs. when i got to my room i laid her on my bed and got one of my tshirts. i slipped her dress off of her and i slipped the tshirt on in its place. once i was done getting her settled i took my suit off and laid down and drifted off to sleep.

the next morning

i wake up to aubreys head nuzzled in my chest and i just smile. i looked down to her and she feels me moving and wakes up.
"morning baby" she said looking up at me
"morning princess you sleep well?"
"of course i did. i was cuddled up with you." she said pecking my lips
"you hungry princess?"
she nodded and laid back down.
"come on lets go make breakfast for everyone. i know uncle luke and aunt caroline arent up yet. i heard them screaming last night"
"ew ew ew ew ew ew ew i dont need to hear about your aunt and uncles sex life"
i just laughed
"well you were sound asleep you didnt hear it"
we headed down the stairs and started making pancakes for everyone. we ate ours and went and snuggled on the couch.
at about 11:30 we heard uncle luke come downstairs with really bad sex hair and aunt caroline right behind him
"theres advil and pancakes on the counter and coffee in the pot."
"thanks til. how bad was i last night?"
"well you told us a story about how one time you and jason and blake went hunting for dogs and you shot the tire and yall were stranded out there. oh and uncle luke next time yall do that," i said pointing at them "try not to be so loud."
"oh lord i must have drank a lot last night."
"yea ya did you were grinding on aunt caroline the whole time and she finally had to drag you to the limo to come home. then i dont know what happened after that"
he just smirked and walked into the kitchen to get the advil and coffee

did yall like this chapter? what should happen next? yall comment below what yall want to happen

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