Chapter 2

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its 7:30 and i hear a truck outside my window. i look outside to see a girl out side with an older guy and a younger boy. i get dressed and i walk downstairs to eat breakfast.
i sat down at the kitchen counter and Aunt Caroline put a plate of pancakes in front of me.
"mornin til."
"morning Aunt Caroline. is it ok if i go over and offer to help the new neighbors unpack."
"sure. i know you want to go meet their daughter."
i started blushing.
"ok maybe i do."
"go ahead. she can come over if yall wanna hang out here later i dont care."
"thanks Aunt Caroline."
"your welcome"
i walked next door to see the girl outside on her front porch. i walked up to her.
"um... hi im Til i live next door with my uncle."
"hi im Aubrey."
"so um do you need any help unpacking?"
"that would be great. lets go up to my room."
she leads me up a set of stairs to a huge room with white walls.
there were a few shelves on the walls and a cool decoration above her bed.
"this is my rooom. all of my boxes are already in here so we can just start unloading. do you mind if i play some music?"
"i dont mind."
she pulls out her ihome from the box she was unloading and put it on the country radio.
"do you like country music. i can change it if you want."
"i love country music."
"ok well lets start."
i opened on of the boxes to see her underwear and clothes.
"um Aubrey you may want to do this box." i said pulling out a pair of her underwear.
"oh shit im so sorry. um you can go do the box with my desk stuff by my bed."
i laughed.
"its really ok. i have two older sisters so ive seen everything."
"oh cool what are their names?"
"the oldest ones name is Jordan and the next one is Kris. what are your brothers names?"
"well my older brothers name is Josh and my younger ones name is Ben."
"oh cool. so why did yall move out here?"
"my dad got a job offer and a record company."
"oh cool what record company ?"
"capitol records."
"oh cool my uncle works their."
"oh cool whats his name?"
"um...Luke Bryan..."
"oh my gosh that is so cool. so is he the uncle you moved in with?"
"um if you dont mind me asking...why did you move in with him?"
"um. about two weeks ago my dad died. my mom had died when i was younger so this is where i had to come."
"oh im sorry for your loss."
"thanks it means a lot. oh and i forgot to ask. would you want to come over and watch a movie when we are done unpacking your stuff?"
"yea sure."
we finished unpacking her stuff in about an our and we headed over to my place.
"aunt caroline we're home!"
"ok im in the kitchen!"
we walked in the kitchen to see Bo and Tate eating lunch.
"have yall had lunch yet?"
"no mam. we've been unpacking."
"would yall like a sandwich?"
"id love one. Aub would you like one?"
"id love one mam thank you."
"ok yall can head upstairs. ill bring them to yall."
"thanks aunt caroline."
i grabbed aubrey's hand and i led her to my room.
"what movie would you like to watch? i also have every episode of friends if you would rather watch that."
"oh my gosh can we watch friends? i love that show!"
"sure and make yourself at home."
"ok." she said blushing. oh my god that is gonna kill me.
she slipped off her shoes and laid in my bed.
i slipped the DVD in there and sat down with her.

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