Chapter 11

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Luke's POV
The next day
"Til. Aubrey. can yall come down here?" I yelled up the stairs.
"coming uncle luke!" Til yelled back.
they came walking down the stairs hand in hand.
"yes uncle luke?"
"yall sit down I wanna talk to yall about something."
they looked at each other nervously. they sat next to each other on the couch and I sat in the chair across from them.
"so yall know how the ACM's are next week?"
the both nodded.
"well I was wondering if yall would like to go? Aubrey I will buy you a dress. Til we will figure out what you can wear. how does that sound to yall?"
they both look at eat other and smile
"uncle Luke that sounds amazing." Til answered.
"Luke you don't have to buy me a dress. we can pay for one."
"no Aubrey I insist. your Til's girlfriend. plus your daddy is still in the hospital. I'm not letting yall pay for an expensive dress plus medical bills."
she smiled
"thank you so much luke."
"your welcome darlin. Caroline is going to buy her dress tomorrow so you can just go with her."
she nodded.
"anything else uncle luke?" Til asked.
"I think that is it."
the both nodded and headed back upstairs.

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