Chapter 8

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We've been at the hospital for about 8 hours and Aubrey fell asleep in my lap about 3 hours ago. She fell asleep holding her dads hand and she hasn't let go since. I'd sometimes hear her whimper in her sleep and I'd rock her till she calmed back down. Mr. George has been out of surgery for about 4 hours and he's been doing well.
"Yes baby girl?"
"How's daddy?"
"He's doing perfect baby girl. He should be waking up soon."
She just smiled and gave me a light kiss.
"Thank you."
"For what baby?"
"For being here for me. For comforting me through this."
"Your welcome baby girl. I know you would do the same for me."
I kissed her forehead and she sat up.
She kissed me again and we heard a voice...
"Y'all are so cute together"
"Hey princess"
"Are you ok daddy?"
"Yes princess. Don't worry about me."
"It's good to see you Mr. Field's"
"Son call me George. Aubrey. Has he been good to you?"
"The best he could ever be." she walked back over to me and grabbed my hand. I whispered in her ear.
"I love you baby"
She blushed and went back to talking with her dad. She updated him with what the doctors said and then the doctor came in.
"Ah Mr. Fields. It's good to see you awake. How do you feel?"
"A little sore." He said rubbing his side.
"Yes sir that is normal. You should be completely healed in about 2 weeks. And the. You have to wait2 weeks after we take your stitches out to go any active activities." the doctor explained some things to him and finally he was done.
"Alight sir. Any more questions?"
he shook his head no and started to fall asleep.
Aubrey let go of my hand and walked over to him.
"Feel better soon daddy, I need my daddy back"
he just fell back asleep smiling.
Aubrey came up to me.
"Do you wanna go baby?"
I nodded my head and we headed out to truck.
"Aunt Caroline and Uncle Luke said that you can stay the night. I'll take couch. You can have to bed."
"We both finally decided that we were both gonna stay in my room. Each of us of a different side of the bed.

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