Chapter 11: Bite the Dust

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Toni's P.O.V

Nicole helped me into a wheel chair since they wanted to give my back more time to heal. 

"I'll take it from here," Sergio smiled. 

She looked at him with doubt, and a small part of me was hoping she'd refuse, but nevertheless, Sergio was the one behind me.

I felt my heart pound against my chest as they walked, "Where are we going?"

"Down to Valentina and her doctor." Iker eyed me.

I scratched the back of my head, "I really hope she's fine. Is the baby fine?" 

Both men remained silent, and the ding of the elevator reaching down to the third floor was all I heard. It remained that way until we reached a specific room and entered.

Valentina sat their, her face in her hands and her shoulders slightly drooped as the doctor awkwardly fiddled with his pen. 

"Can someone here tell me what the hell is happening?" I was frustrated at this point and my heart was hammering itself to my chest.

"Tell him, doctor," Iker urged impatiently. 

"Valentina came her with her boyfriend two weeks ago for a pregnancy and paternity test. A few days ago the results came out as positive, and the father," he paused.

I felt my throat clog and my blood pressure rise at this point. 

"It's you, Mr. Kroos. We had some of your blood from a short period of time when you came here for blood donations, and we used them to compare the genes, and it's yours." He informed me.

I shut my eyes, "Fucking bastards," I muttered. "I recently woke up after being knocked out by a son of a bitch and this is what I'm induced to as soon as my procedures are over?"

"No, Toni, we're not selfish. You are." Iker shot back.

"Care to explain how that is?" I raised my eyebrows.

He shook his head, "You and your stupid games." It was Sergio who spoke.

"You knew she was pregnant all along, then you pinned her to Alejandro and tried getting out of it. She doesn't even associate with him in that way. How fucking filthy?" It was Iker this time.

A snort escaped me, "Where'd you get that from?"

Valentina looked up at me with an apologetic look. "Who do you think?" Sergio breathed.

I felt my jaw go numb with surprise. "Take me back to my room now, before I fucking burn this place down." I breathed. 

The doctor summoned a nurse to take me back up, since he refused to let either man take me. 

The blood in my veins was boiling; I couldn't believe the two of them would stoop so low and stage such thing then sell it to her brother. 

Nicole walked in with a tray of food a few minutes later. "I don't want." I refused.

"You need to," she insisted.

"I don't care," I shot back.

"Where'd you go a while back?" She asked before sitting on the edge of my bed. 

"Doesn't matter," I muttered.

"Yeah it does, your blood pressure has obviously risen and I need to know what caused it in order for us to avoid it," she spoke gently. 

I looked up at her, "My ex is framing me with fathering her child," 

Her cheeks turned a slight red, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Kroos, I didn't know it was that ba-"

I waved my hand dismissively, "Like it matters, I'm here because of her boyfriend. He did this to me, and now they're believing her rather than me. They don't even know the guy is here boyfriend,"

I didn't even realize that I was talking to a completely random stranger, but what did I have to lose at this point? 

"Some people are just that shallow and they'd stoop much lower than you can ever think at times," she shrugged.

"Whatever. Call me Toni and I still don't want to eat. I'm too tired." I shook my head. 

"Okay, Toni, my shift ends now, and I wanted to check up on you before leaving. Here's my number in case you leave tomorrow and I don't get to see you. It was a great pleasure and honor for me to be your nurse," she smiled before slipping a piece of paper into my hand and pecking the top of my head. 

It took me a moment too long to process what happened, but when I did, I was grinning.

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