Chapter 10: Two on One

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Toni's P.O.V

I put absolutely no effort in attempting to hide the sneer on my face. 

"Say that again," I raised my eyebrows.

"You are the reason I'm in all of this," she crossed her arms in front of her chest. 

A sarcastic laugh escaped my lips, "So, you call me into your office after your so called boyfriend told us not to speak to each other, in order for you to tell me that it's my fault he's blackmailing you?" 

"I can't tell you how so, but-" 

"Valentina, baby girl, thank you for distracting him," the devil walked in. 

I clicked my tongue, "I will fuck you both up if you don't stop with these foolish games," 

"That's not your job, that's mine," he laughed. "You're here to listen to what have to say," he spat. 

"What do you want, you scum bag?" 

The corners of his lips twitched, "First of all, you start with cutting that dirty tongue of yours. Then you get your filthy self out of me and my girlfriend's business, or else I fucking swear, Toni, you will regret every single second of this." 

I glanced at Valentina, who was sitting on the desk and clutching the edge of it, "Yeah, you go ahead, sit there and watch this so called boyfriend of yours blackmail me into stepping out of this business," then I turned to him and narrowed my eyes at him with a smile playing on my lips, "Oh wait, he seems to have no problem in blackmailing people to get what he wants. After all, that is the reason we're here, isn't it?" 

A nerve jumped in his cheek, "Cut it," he warned.

"That's how this insecure little son of a bitch gets what he wants; he threatens people's lives, freedom, and even authority.  Why, you asked? Because he's self-conscious and lacks talent and emotion."

"Enough," his fists were now clutched.

I kept going, "He's just a pretty face who thinks he's witty and has it all. But in reality, his arrogance only drags him down and repels people, which drives them to stab his ba-"

I was cut off by his fist colliding with my jaw, "I said enough," he said through gritted teeth.

"Can the princess not handle the truth," I managed to spit through my pained jaw before pushing him back. 

He looked at me in disbelief and I saw Valentina shrink in her own skin. "Do you think a princess can hit this hard?" He questioned before punching my nose, then my forehead, causing my nose and eyebrow to bleed.

I grabbed him by the collar and shoved him against the wall, but his reaction was too quick for me to throw a punch, so he grabbed me by my own collar and shoved me into the glass table placed in the middle of the office. 

Just in time, Iker and Sergio walked in and stared in utter disbelief at the scene; blood staining my face, and God knows where else, with shattered glass beneath me accompanied by Valentina's harsh sobs in the back .

"What the fuck happened here?" Iker angrily asked.

"The princess here couldn't handle the truth." I managed to say through a groan and a smile.

Iker turned to Sergio, "Get the ambulance," 

"That means the police are going to have come with," he muttered.

"Exactly," his eyes traveled from me to Alejandro.

I felt more blood rush out of my back and my head grew light. Before I knew it, I blacked out.


I woke up the following day with sharp pain all over my body. When I opened my eyes, I realized I was in a hospital room. 

I groaned to myself, then saw a nurse walk in, "Good evening, Mr. Koos,"

"Fuck," I muttered as I tried moving around. 

"That's a bit harsh, sir," she joked. 

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sorry. What the hell happened to me?"

A horrified look crossed the blonde's face, " Do you not remember the events?"

"Of course I do, I just don't get what procedures were done to me," I questioned.

"That's your doctor's job, I'm Nicole, I'll be your nurse." She smiled. 

Oddly, her smile tugged upwards at the corners of my lips. She was beautiful and funny, "Alright,"

The doctor walked in a few moments later and informed about my injuries and the seven different stitches I had on my back and the two on my face. Then he told me that the police were coming for an investigation. 

I sighed internally once the police officers were done with their questions and asked the doctor when I could leave.

"We need to keep you overnight," 

"Doctor, I'm fine, I really want to leave," I attempted.

He shook his head apologetically, "If you find it stuffy here, a nurse can accompany you to walk out, but we need you overnight, sir."

I cursed under my breath in German once he left, but soon enough, a knock was placed on the door. Iker walked in with a stern look on his face.

"What the fuck happened in there?" He questioned as Sergio followed. I sighed before repeating the story to the two men who later exchanged an unreadable look. 

"I just need you to come downstairs with me and talk to Valentina." Iker motioned towards the door.

"Is she alright?" I attempted sitting up. 

He nodded, "We'll see. But you sure as fuck aren't."

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