Chapter 31: One returns and one leaves

Start from the beginning

"No Sydney. I know what I want. And that's to start fresh." I say. Peeta comes out of his dorm and doesn't even realise I'm on the stairs he's to busy looking at Sydney.

I race down the stairs. It's around 8 o'clock so I start to speed walk through the corridors quietly.

I look at my phone to se if I had any texts. But I end up staring at my wall paper. It's of Peeta kissing my cheek. Annoyed I go into settings and change it to just the colour green. I also do the to my home screen which was a group selfie we took ages ago on the beach.

I get to the office block where all the teachers stay and stuff as well. I finally find the room that has accommodation printed on the door. I knock on the door.

A tall lady opens it and smiles.
"You must be Katniss." She says politely. "I'm Mrs Coin."
I nod and she leads me into her office where she sits down at her desk. I take a seat across from her.

She opens a draw in the desk and brings out a folder. She fiddles through the paper until she finds the thing she's looking for.
"So your staying in room 1235?" She reads. I nod.  "Your very silent." She says sweetly. Mrs Coin then moves to her laptop. She types a few things then tunes the laptop around to me.

"And you would like to move to room 22?" She reads.
"Yes. I think it would be more practical." I lie.
"Now seems as your moving at this point in the term the change over will take 12 hours. Your rental fee stays the same. So In the 12 hours it will change the room your paying for." She pauses to make sure I'm following her.
"You will be expected to have cleared you room by 9am tomorrow.  You just need to sign and few documents then I will give you the room key and you can go take a look." I nod.

She hands me the papers and a pen. I sign them quickly and get up. I shake her hand.
"Thank you." I say.
"No problem Katniss." She says and hands me the key.


There are over 2000 rooms just for staying in at the academy. And my room is ages away for my old room.

My new room is room 22.

I unlock the door. You can tell no one has really been in the room. Or moved in. The smell of new paint Is still lingering. Everything is so clean. I almost don't want to touch it.

This room is all open planned. When you open the door you walk right into the living room. Which connects to the kitchen at the back. In the left corner of the room is loads of book cases and a desk with a chair. On the right is 2 doors. One is the bathroom. The other door leads to my room.

My room has a king sized bed with red duvet and pillows. The walls are a soft mint green and cream.

I cross room and open the doors to the balcony. It's a huge balcony that you walk on. I go on it and lead over the modern glass Fence. I'm on the 5th floor now. And my view is the forest and in the distance is the beach.

Unfortunately this balcony doesn't have stairs going downwards like my old balcony did.

Speaking of my old dorm I should probably go back. I left my laptop on and I should start packing.

I lock up my new dorm and walk back.

I thought that this would happen.

Everything happens for a reason. This was meant to happen. And I'm gonna miss the group. A little to much maybe.


After a while I begin to get a bit bored. gale has been telling us about how he went back to district 12 and it 'changed him'. He has changed a lot. But he's only been here like 2 hours. and he was only there for a month and a bit.

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