Three Month Rule: November

Start from the beginning

Just wait and see m'lady. Wait and see.



I spent the two day holiday at home, my October has been busier, more and more people came and enrolled at the studio and David, Sally and me started the construction of the second branch of our restaurant in The Fort. David is tasked with the structure, construction people and materials. Sally on the crew, menu, and food tasting. And I was tasked to plan the interior of the whole place, it's a lot bigger than our first one so designing it was a bit more challenging but I love it.

I was munching on some double coated chocolate snack (guilty pleasure ugh!) and was watching Orange is the New Black, which I planned on finishing tonight when I heard my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID; Sally. So answered it.

"Hello Jade?"

"Hey Sal, why?"

"Where are you? Are you busy tomorrow?"

"At home now, not really why?"

"My cousin just came back from Paris, remember Olli back in high school?"

"Yeah I remembered him. Why?" I asked already doubting

"Uhhh, He wanted to ask you out? Cause he has a huge crush on you since high school and I thought maybe you two can try?"

"Sally, You know well that I'm gay and I'm proud of that. Stop trying to convert me." I said laughing

"That's exactly what I told Olli, but he was just so persistent. Sorry."

"It's fine. And besides I've had enough of those fling or even love. I'm in hiatus." I chuckled

"You're crazy!" she said giggling, "So I'll just tell him that you're still straightly bent. buh-bye"

"Yup! Hammered bent. Bye Sal."

After Alex, all of my friends, well except for Batchi has been trying to hook me up with a friend or a cousin or whoever, may it be a man or a woman. And I just shrug 'em off. I am ready for a life time of being a cat or dog lady I knew it!



I left work early today because I am going to meet up with a friend, she's an events organizer and we're going to talk about a part of my plan for Mission: Get her back. (Coined that term; genius right?!) I was at some Coffee Bean she told me to meet up, it's dangerously close to Jade's studio so I needed to park my car inside the building instead of just by the side of the road. I sat at the table near the glass wall because I have no choice the place was busy so I just decided to wear my aviators and read a magazine covering half my face. I know I look like an idiot. I feel like one. So I stayed like that while I wait for Sam.



I decided to run around the perimeter of my studio around 4 pm I don't know why but I suddenly missed running so I put on my running shoes, brought my iPod and plugged my earphones in my ears. I was planning to reach a 5-10k so I pushed to run till the next street. I was on the left side of the road because the pavement was clearer there. I was roaming my eyes around enjoying the little businesses of the people around me when I caught a glimpse of a woman sitting alone at Coffee Bean, I slowed down, and stopped just before a parked SUV for cover, it's opposite to where the woman was seated, I inspected her first cause she's covering half of her face with a magazine but then she's wearing sunglasses inside a cafe which I didn't see any logic at all.

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