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A/N Cause Wattpad decided not to work have a chapter. Also I'm gonna try to be more serious in these one shots. Besides a few chapters here and there. Any requests? Also possible trigger warning

The room was silent. He felt the air swoosh as Fox's men surrounded the body. The veteran captain on looked, his closest companion besides the general himself slowly died in his arms. Tears brimmed his eyes but he didn't notice His brain was spinning. Spinning all the new information, all the different possibilities, all the what if's. Most of all he heard Fives last words. "The mission, the nightmares, are finally over" Are they? Why did you leave me Fives? Why didn't you submit you kriffing idiot. You left me... just like everyone else. You promised me on Umbara that... He ripped himself from the thoughts. They weren't helping because all he saw was Waxer's tear stained face. All he heard where insults, and screams. All he felt was guilty. "Oh no" the clone whispered into the atmosphere. His defeat could be known by his sagging shoulders, or the one tear that escaped his control. He felt a small squeeze on his shoulder and he looked up. Anakin's sympathetic gaze met his. But he looked away. He didn't want sympathy. He wanted to know the truth, he wanted the weight of the dammed off his shoulders.

Anakin was trying hard to get through Rex's shell. He wanted to help the captain who had helped him so many times. He wanted to let his best friend know that he had his back. But Rex wouldn't submit to help and he knew that. So the Jedi knight stepped back as his grieving friend stood up. Rex stood up straight and looked at him with a overall professionalism. "Sir" The Captain began but stopped as his voice cracked. He took a little to gather himself "Sir permission to be dismissed?" He asks in a deadpan voice. That chilled Skywalker to the bone. Come on Rex don't bury it. He opened his mouth to protest but was stopped. "Please" was the silent word that shattered the illusion. He nodded having never hear Rex beg. Rex started to walk out but was stopped. "Rex don't do anything stupid". The clone faced his General "I won't sir" It's to bad I already have.

The captain walked down the corridors of the temple receiving worried glances. He ignored them though and continued on his way. That was until a shiny ended up bumping into him. Rex sighed mustering up all the patience he had. He looked at the trooper with a disregarding gaze. "I'm sorry trooper" the captain responded evenly. He received a reply he wouldn't of thought he would get. "You should be sir" The rookie spit venom lacing his words. Suddenly the Captain snapped. The rookie noticed his mistake as he was slammed into the wall pinned by the collar of his undershirt. It crinkled from the captains hold as Rex's brute strength kept him suspended against the wall. As soon as Rex felt the sleek woven fabric through his own gloves he knew there was no stopping himself. As the rookie looked into the commanding officers eye he saw nothing but anger, true true anger and that terrified him. He had always been intimidated by higher ranks but never truly afraid of his brothers. This man had changed that. The rookie let out a yelp of fear and squirmed. As the first blow rained down on his stomach the rookie knew he was screwed.

Anakin paced rubbing his temple. "Rex I told you not to do anything stupid." Rex's gaze filtered to the floor "I'm sorry sir but he had it coming". Anakin paused now angry. "You would've killed him Rex! If I hadn't intervened his injuries could've caused death! You broke his ribs, fractured his arm, gave him a bad concussion and kriff knows what internal bleeding!" He snapped. This silenced any arguments the captain was about to make. "Go back to your barracks while I sort this out" he commands. Rex stood up finding the generals feet more interesting then his face at the moment. "Rex just go to your barracks" Skywalker sighed. The captain nodded and walked off. Once inside the barracks. He locked the door and moved to the bed. The imprint of his body, which had slept there many times laid undisturbed. The covered where pulled neatly over the bed showing it's lack of use. He sighed and reached under the pillow. Feeling the smooth, firm surface he grasped it. He slowly pulled it out and looked at the shinning sharp blade. Perhaps it was better to just end it. No one will know, nor does anyone care. The one thing I have left to say is "I'm sorry..."

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