7 ❁ Inversed Universe

Comenzar desde el principio

He did just that, grabbing the bottle and just letting the water flow like a spout. The chill met his face and hair so freshness took him by surprise, making him sigh in content.

"Pay," the vendor demanded quietly, not really bothered by the scene Okita just made because it was already usual for people to do that out of nowhere.

He looked at him with spite, but soon turned his stare looked at the vendor suspiciously, because he looked too familiar for his own good.


Nobume's legs were shaky and her eyes were open but she didn't feel alive, so she was unconsciously conscious, if that even made sense. She was unaware of her surroundings, and she didn't know where she was. All she felt was the extreme heat of the sun and all she saw was that yellow ball of light up in the sky.

"W-what is going on?" Nobume blinked, sluggishly walking and taking every step without ease.

"Raise your hands, and slowly come with me, you asshole," she heard a voice that seemed near but far away. She couldn't pay attention to anything, all her five senses were blocked and bothered so it was futile trying to understand the occurrences around her.

Things and colors blurred even more, in one moment the speed of the whirls increased. Then it suddenly, all at once, stopped.

Suddenly, Nobume found it difficult to breath.

"A-ah!" She struggled, air not passing through her lungs. "Ah!"

She found a vice grip around her neck, cutting off her respiration, successfully rendering her breathless.

"Get away, you rotten officer," then the kidnapper laughed like no tomorrow, cackling loudly against Nobume's ear.

When Okita was about to sheath his sword, he dismissed the thought, seeing that there was no reason to worry when he caught sight of the victim ensnared by the crook.

"That's a Mimawarigumi officer, if you didn't know. Mimawarigumi is known to be the second force of the Kabuki-district, so I'm not sure if you want her to be your next victim," he proudly stated, chuckling at the man's stupidity.

It would be nice and awfully convenient if Nobume retained her badass sword skills and agility, her well-known sword style killing people in a blink, however that's the problem. She didn't.

"What? Let go of me!" She whined with a high-pitched voice, battling out of the kidnapper's vice grip.

"She's an officer? She doesn't act like one," the male chuckled, marveling at how innocent the female before him acted like.

Okita was left confused, seeing the actions of a usually cold and ruthless girl turn into someone completely different. What was going on?

"Shit, what the hell happened to her?" This time, Okita unsheathed his sword without hesitation. He knew there was something wrong with the girl he once knew, and now didn't seem to know her anymore.

She was so different. He knew exactly why.

He handled his sword between his fingers and aimed for the man's arm that was suffocating Nobume. He then threw, letting it slash air and hit the target squarely.

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