Anders Lee (NYI)

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   It was game day and you and your boyfriend, Anders, were currently in the kitchen for the usual morning smoothie. As you put the pineapple, strawberries and yogurt in the blender you heard your boyfriend go and turn on the TV. Sportsnet was recapping last nights game against the Rangers, which they had lost 4-1. Anders had many chances in last nights game, but he didn't score. 

   As I turned on the blender I heard Anders yelling.

   "It would be nice to get a damn goal every now and then, it's been 21 games since I last did something."

   "It's not your fault And-"

   "How is it not? I'm the one with the puck. I'm the one with the stick. Not like you'd know anything about hockey anyways."

   I was appalled. Anders had never blamed anything on me before. 

   "I'm sorry, I- i'm just going to go to Ryan's. I'll see you at the game."

   Anders left without a kiss and went off as I went to grab a smoothie and head back to bed. 


   I had just arrived at the arena and sat with Sheena, Johnny's wife. We had been friends for a little while now and I often babysat the twins. We talked a little about how Anders had gotten on earlier that morning.

   "woah, Johnny said something about him being more aggressive and angry than usual." She said while she bounced one of the girls on her knee.

   "Yeah, he's not being aggressive towards me, he's just being rude. Like this morning he told me that I didn't even know hockey and then he just left and went to Ryan's. I haven't been talking to him since." Sheena just looked at me with a frown on her face. Danielle, Kyle's wife, looked over and spoke up as well.

   "You know, Kyle's had droughts like this, but I promise, as soon as that goal comes, they're back as happy as they've ever been. Plus, you might even get a reward." She said as she winked. During warm-ups, I decided to go and get something to eat. As I walked through the arena with my "Lee" jersey on, some girls thought it would be funny to throw their beer at me. 


   I turned to look back at the rink where the girls were standing. I noticed Anders was watching the entire time, and he didn't even say or do anything. No knock on the glass or no "get away from my girlfriend!". 

   I ran to the bathroom and rinsed the spot in my hair where the beer had attacked me. Luckily, it was near my roots and I could hide it by putting my hair up. I had long brown wavy hair so a messy bun disguised the wet parts perfectly. I sprayed a little of my body spray in my hair to help mask the beer scent. As I looked up at my face in the mirror and a small tear rolled down my cheek. Anders was not treating me the way that he was a couple months ago, and I worried that we were coming to an end. 

   I wiped my tears away and walked back to get my fries like I wanted. I headed back into the arena, right after the national anthems of the USA and Canada were sang, as they were playing the Leafs tonight. 

   3rd period came and the Islanders were up by one. They were on a power play as Bozak was in the box for tripping. Tavares passed the puck to Strome, who passed it to Lee. I jumped out of my seat when I heard the goal horn. Anders scored with a wrister! 

   The game ended 4-2 for the Islanders and I waited outside of the locker room as usual, but when all the guys were out but Anders and Ryan, I got a little worried. 

   Ryan popped out and motioned me to go in with Anders. He was sitting in his stall, head in his hands. 

   "I'm so sorry for being a dick the past week or so. I was just so frustrated with not being able to score that I let it get to me. I'm so sorry... I never meant to hurt you..."

   "It's okay, I get it."

   "You do?"

   "Yeah, just don't take it out on me next time."

   "Whoa there cowgirl, who said there was going to be a next time?"

   Anders and I giggled and I leaned in to give him a hug.

   "Now come on sweetpea, I want to take you out to dinner."

   "Not with my beer hair you're not, lets just get McDonald's or something."

   "Alright, come on, lets go. I'm dying for a burger."

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