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sophia and colby brought sam and reed to the nurse because they were hurt badly,well kinda..

sophia's P.O.V.

we brought sam and reed to the nurse cause reed was bleeding and sam had a bruise

*skip that part*

"Thank you!"We all said

"No problem ;)"the nurse said nicely

It was already lunch and I sat with reed,devin,sam and colby

"watsup?"I said

"well reed was bleeding and I got hurt"Sam said

"I was there idiot!"I said while laughing

I sat beside reed and everyone awwed I looked confused and looked at reed...

"they think you like me"Reed smiled,I smiled back

was It possible that I like reed??I don't knoww :(I have mixed feelingss,GOD I NEED HELP,"no!"And I shook my head

"sophia!"Sam said waving his hand on my face

"oh what?" Reed looked kinda dissapointed :(why?

"reed said something and you didn't do anything"Sam said,I think he's mad..

"what was that reed?"

"nothing just forget it :("he looked sad and walked away

what was that about?what did I do wrong??I called his name but he kept walking and ignoring me

"what Did I do?"I asked sam getting worried

"well.....Reed asked you out and you said no"

"I did?!?"GOD I'M STUPID,well I was thinking about the mixed feeling and said no under my breath,whispering actually

I ran up to reed trying to find him,when I bumped into A girl

"hey!!!You're the bitch who beat up my boyfriend!!"

"Well he was kissing me!"

"lies!"She slapped me and grabbed my hair,ouch it hurtss,she slammed me into the locker and punched me,"MY TURN"I punched her and grabbed her hair pulling it down and I was on top of her beating her ass up,when someone grabbed me and slammed me into the lockers,again,it was the guy who I fought earlier and punched me....everything turned black

I woke up in my bedroom with reed holding my hand and crying

"reed,why are you crying?"

"thank goodness you're ok I was so worried"

reed's P.O.V

sophia woke up and asked me why I was crying,it was because it was all my fault,If I hadn't walked away she wouldn't get hurt like this

"reed"she looked up at me

"ya?" "About earlier,I didn't say no to you,I was thinking.."

"so thats a yes?!?!?"I asked happily

"of course"she hugged me

I was leaning on to her,trying to kiss her and she leaned forward and kissed me,I can tell she wanted me,so I took off her shirT AND she stopped me,i looked confused

"why"I asked sad "someone's at the door"she took my shirt and leaving me shirtless .-.

I answered the door it was sam and colby

"woah,were we interrupting something?"said colby smirking

"yes you were actually" sophia said in the back

her parents were in a business trip for a year which means she's alone

"ooh reed's got a girlfrienddd"Sam said teasing me

colby's P.O.V

fine I'll admit I was a bit jealous that they're dating now

"so YOU GUYS WANNA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE?!?"Devin suddenly came out of nowhere

"sure"we all said

"and before you guys ask,no  me and reed aren't dating" sophia said "YET"I added

"not gonna happen reed,we're just gonna go out tomorrow"

well I didn't expect that,I was kinda sad

WE started playing truth or dare.......

SO,I'll write chapter 3 tomorrow hope you enjoyed ;)

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