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Sophia's POV
"Why whats wrong?!?"they all asked me
I started crying harder " car accident"I said As Colby ran up to me and hugged me "shhh its gonna be ok" we quickly drove to the hospital
"Doc what happened?"Sam said asking the doctors "Well,first A drunk man was driving and hit him and he lost a lot of blood But he was able to make it"The doctor said looking at all of us
"So he's gonna be fine?"I said looking worried,"He hit his head pretty bad,so I don't know whats gonna happen He might have amnesia or not we'll see when he wakes up"The doc said walking away, I sat on a chair and buried my face to my hands "Its gonna be fine soph"Devin said,he was tearing up "Ya its gonna be fine but look at you trying not to cry"He finally broke down and started crying while I was Hugging him..
"Uhm devin hayes?"The nurse said looking around "yes?"devin said standing up "you can see him now he's at room 108 3rd floor" the nurse said "thank you!"we all said while running up to the elevator,we all saw reed awake,To be honest I thought he would be sleeping but he wasn't "I'm so glad you're ok!"devin said hugging reed
"Thank you devin"Reed said hugging him back,After everyone hugged him,I walked up to him and hugged him "Uhm excuse me but who are you?"Reed asked,I was so surprised by his question,I mean he remembered all of the boys but why would he forget about me? "Uh reed do you not remember soph?"Devin asked putting his hands on my shoulder,"uhm If I did I would've told you"Reed said with a "duh" face,I finally broke down and went outside And started crying harder,"Sophia its ok"colby said hugging me "Ya he'll remember you soon"Sam said hugging me too "Hope fully"I said hugging both of them "hey wanna go for a walk?"sam said "well I'll go back to reed you guys have fun!but not too much fun"colby said laughing and we both laughed a little
We saw a park and sat on the bench "What if he never remembers me?"I said looking sad"

Sam's POV
"Im sure he will its temporary"I said hugging her,She was so beautiful,wait!Am I having feelings for her again?wait no,She's with colby,I couldn't resist so I held he chin and kissed her but quickly pulled away "sam- I-Im sorry I can't"and ran away from me,damn it Should'nt have done that!!UGHHH I'm so stupid,"Sam!Whats wrong?"Damn it colby's here "Well uhm uh *clears throat* I kissed her"I said looking down "What?!?"

Colby's POV
Sam just fricken Kissed my girlfriend "Dude That is messed up you can't just kiss somebody's girlfriend!" I yelled "I know I know but she just looked so sad and So beautiful,I know I messed up I'm sorry"He said tearing up,

Sam's POV
What If I lose my best friend for this?What'll happen?Quickly sophia came here Andddd great "hey uhm I heard yelling and screaming what happened?"Sophia said Running to us "Oh Are you here to kiss sam again?huh?" Colby said folding his hands "wait what?sam you told him?!?"Sophia said shouting at me "Oh and you were suppose to keep this a secret?!?"Colby said unfolding his arms "No!I was gonna tell you!But not now because I knew this was gonna happen"Sophia said kneeling and just broke down and cried "You guys are just-I thought we were friends?"colby said not yelling this time,But sophia ran back to the room....
"colby,you never Let me finish my story,She pulled away from me right when Our lips touched she said she can't,can't you see how much she loves you?"I said Walking back to the hospital

Sophia's POV
wasn't it bad enough that reed forgot about me and Now My boyfriend hates me?!?What else now? "Soph I'm really really sorry"sam said hugging me "Sam its okay"I hugged him back and he walked away "Soph I heard the whole thing....I never knew you pulled away"colby said sounding sad "Well Don't you trust me?"I said looking at him "Of course I do"colby said hugging me "Then why wouldn't you think I pulled away" I said sitting down "Ok, so the first day we met you sam liked you a lot,And I couldn't tell hin because he might get mad at me for liking you"Colby said putting his hand on mine "And I just thought that you liked him too because you too have been closer that ever"He said looking sad "Colby,I would never cheat on you"I said putting both of my hands on his "And for that I trust you more"He said kissing my forehead "We should head back to the room"I said walking "yeah Lets go"colby said and we walked up to the elevator and got to reed's room,I saw sam Sitting down still looking worried and I gave sam a nod to tell him that we're okay now and he nodded back....."Guys What happened?!?we heard yelling and screaming"Devin asked "I'll explain later"I said and he nodded "So reed...Watsup?"Reed looked at me and stared "You know you have very beautiful eyes"Reed said "Well I guess every guy is falling for you know"Colby said putting his arms around me "Oh ya I forgot colby had a girlfriend so colby who is it?"Reed said "Uh buddy She's right here"Colby said kissing me cheek "aww dang it"Reed said,everyone already left except devin,he said he's gonna refresh his memory and we all got home and we were so tired and colby and I were cuddling while sam slept in my bedroom while me and colby cuddled on the couch and watched netflix

Hey guys!Thank you so much for the 115 reads,Its probably Small for you but For me I think its a lot so thanks and have a wonderful day

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