Fakes and Cheats?

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Alexis's POV

Pssh Did you really think I like reed?Hah you're funny I'm only here cause he's famous and I wanna be famous :)
But They're pretty cool I guess,I should be an actress For this

Sophia's POV
"Hey reed so how are you and alexis??"
I asked sitting beside him "Oh she's amazing"Reed said not making eye contact with me "Why aren't you looking at me?"I asked making eye contact with him "Because she's still not amazing as you are"Reed said breaking the eye contact "Reed-"
"I know its fine"He said walking away and Talking with Alexis "Hey soph!"Alexis Said to me "oh hey!"
"Okay so do you think reed should be in my first youtube video??"She asked Smiling Non stop "Uhm first youtube video?" "Well ya,cause I would get more views!"She said
Wait....Alexis is using REED FOR FAME Ugh how am I suppose to tell reed?!?Maybe I should tell sam and colby first And maybe Devin then he would tell reed...ya perfect okay
"Uhm Sam?colby?"They both looked at me "Uhm Hey can I talk to you??"I asked and we all went outside "So watsup?"Asked colby "Well...okay so Alexis is using reed For fame"
(Okay this is gonna be long so)
S-Sam soph-sophia C-colby
S-How do you know that?
Soph-because we were talking and she asked if he should be in her youtube videos to get more videos
Sam and colby looked shock
C-wait,Instead of just accusing her we should just investigate more just to make sure
S-Ya thats true
Soph-Okay fine but If I'm right you're both buying me ice cream!
I said walking away

Colby's POV
"Hey soph!Are you telling angelica?"I asked "Well duh!She's like my best friend and I'm telling her right about"Suddenly there's a knock "now"Soph said answering the door "hey so what happened?"Angelica said
We told her everything and Told her to investigate first "Woah Uhm ok I'll become best friends with her and colby Is it okay If I act I'm using sam??"
"Well If it works alexis telling her secrets okay"I said And texted sam about everything "Okay sam knows you're fine" "Wait!What if Alexis tells sam and colby to make them break up with us?"soph said and angelica and I looked at each other "Well lets find out!lets go find her"Angelica said dragging soph out....I hope this is all gonna be okay and No one fights,I'm getting really worried....

Sophia's POV
Angelica dragged me to talk to alexis 😒I swear if she hurts Reed I'm going to hurt her......badly "Heeeeeyyyy Alexis" "Oh uh hey guys"She said Sitting down the couch "So Uhm Alexis You should probably know this Since we're all gurl friends now" I said Sitting next to her "Soooo we have this thing Called A lie detector And whenever you lie It zaps you" I said Pulling out a Zap thing tool (I forgot what it was called😅) Its not really a lie detector I was just lying :)) "Okay so Are you using Reed?or not" Angelica asked I gave her a 'WTF look' Real smooth angelica!(Love you angelica😂) "Uhm No" Then we didn't zap her to seem like she was telling the truth....

*next morning*
Colby's POV
I was gonna hug soph But She wasn't there anymore and I checked my clock and it was 10:45 am UGHHH,I went downstairs to see alexis,Soph and Angelica Talking "Morning bbyg"I said Hugging behind her "morning"She said and kissed my cheek

*before colby woke up*

Sophia's POV
"Hey guys morning"I said to angelica And alexis "Soph!!You have to hear what Angelica said!Tell her what you said about sam"I already knew what she was talking about "Ya,I'm using him actually"before anything else,I took my phone out and recorded what everyone Was saying without them noticing...."Ya I'm Also using colby actually"I said Lying HAH Im NOT I LOVE COLBY TF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!? "Guys!!Me too!I'm using Reed to Gain more viewers cause he's so famous"Me and Angelica looked at each other and Gave a  ''Mission accomplished' kind of look "ooohhh Okay" And just in time colby came down stairs and hugged me from behind "Morning bbyg"he said and i said morninh and kissed his cheek
"Colby What do you want for breakfast?Wait you know what we should do something with sam upstairs!Angelica come with us!And alexis wait for Reed here!Okay?"I said and quickly woke sam up with cold water "WHAT IM UP IM UP"He said and we all died of laughter "ha ha very funny"Sam said rolling his eyes "No seriously tho We found some evidence"Angelica said sitting beside sam and sam Put his arms around her

Angelica's POV
If Alexis hurts Reed I'm gonna fucking kill her!Well she already did soooo...I'm GONNA KILL A BITCH
Soph Played the video she recorded And sam and colby looked really sad/mad/worried "How are we gonna tell Reed?" I asked Worriedly
"I don't know"Sophia said.........

Well hello guyss!okay So from now on I'm only writing on weekend and try to update 2 chapter each day :))I'll try my best!Thank you guys so much for all the reads😊😊😊😄😄

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