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Colby's POV
Sam suddenly barged in "GUYS SOPHIA IS AWAKE"Sam said,Oh God you have no idea how happy I am to hear that,I mean like its been a month.....

Sophia's POV
The one thing that went to my mind is reed,I don't know where he is,Or WE don't know where he is.....
"Guys wait,sam's here but reed isn't"
I asked "Uhm I still haven't found him"Sam said "how long was I in a coma?" "about a month but its all good"Colby said,I hugged everyone because Now I know everyone is okay
The doctor came in and said "You can either go home today or tomorrow,When would you like to come home?"Uhm Is that even a question?"Today please". "okay then You can pack up,Have a good day"We all said our thank you's and started packing up "Guys,I'm worried,about Reed its been a month"Colby said "Its okay we'll find him"I said As I hugged colby and he kissed my forehead, "What if he's not alive anymore"I suddenly broke down crying,As I said that My phone buzzed and it said
Don't worry Soph I'm okay,I'll come home soon....


I gasped and put my Hand over my mouth,UGH you have no idea how happy I am!! "Guys!!REED!"I said excitedly,I showed them my phone and They all seem happy.....


"Ugh I'm tired"I groaned and flopped down to the couch,"Hey wanna watch netflix and just chill?"Devin asked,Colby glared at devin and said "Uhm no,Devin do you even know what that means?"Angelica quickly whispered what it meant and he said "Oh you know what nevermind"He said running upstairs,We all laughed "Hey guys wanna order pizza?"colby asked "WE HATE PIZZA!"Me,angelica and Sam shouted "alright alright"He said putting the phone down,I went up to him,Hugged him and kissed him,he pulled away "Its been a long time"Colby said,"GET A ROOM"Sam yelled,We did as he said and went to Colby's room...And you know what happened!don't pretend like you don't know what happened,dirty minded people ;) but anyways

Colby's  POV
I woke up with no one beside me....

Not going to finish that!Just because You're probably mad but sorry :( Sorry I haven't updated XD i'll try and write on saturday :))

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