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With an old horse that stumbles and nods

Half asleep as they stalk.

-In Time of "The Breaking of Nations", Thomas Hardy, 1915.

I was plagued by nightmares. Someone should really look into that.

Once, I saw Zombie Chicken next to my bed. He chuckled heartily like a diabolical villain would do in the movies, still with his chicken-accented news anchor voice. "You set them on the loose, Alden."

I thought I woke up screaming after that, but instead, I opened my eyes to find that I was back in the Witch House, surrounded by the ghosts of the slaves - free us! Hee! Give us now!

Again, I screamed imígí - this time voluntarily. The ghosts' memories began flashing again into my head, and I had to endure dozens of torment by the witch and see the townspeople's betrayal over and over again until my heart felt numb.

The ghosts cleansed, I saw myself being carried away by Cora, who jolted into action first. Barney was already waiting outside with some other kids; Barney and Cora took me away from the party while the others brought the catatonic six for any immediate remedy.

There wasn't any.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a skinwalker struck me straight to the stomach. As pain surged through me, I could see the silhouette of the giant spider looming over me.

Thanks, Alden. It was the Ace of Hearts' voice.

The spider transformed into the Jack of Clubs and struck.

I screamed.

Waking up with such a start - the last time I woke up screaming was back when I was five - my head got dizzy and for a moment, my eyes scrambled around to try and find an assailant. There wasn't any. Remembering the first nightmare, I turned to the bedside - no Zombie Chicken.

I found myself breathing heavily. My palms were beaded with cold sweat, and so was my forehead. I realized that I sat up when I woke. My hand instinctively reached to my collar - Cora's charm was still there. I could still see through the mist.

There were soft growls from outside, but they felt distant. I'd seen how the monsters seemed to enjoy tormenting their victims - maybe if I feigned sleep, they wouldn't be attracted this way. The waiting party was full of waking people and the monsters struck there (aside from the fact that they were looking for me, according to what Ace of Hearts said). If I could try to just sleep...

However, the door to my room suddenly flew open. I almost jolted to a defensive stance, but then I saw that the figure on the doorframe was Jack. I relaxed.

He knitted his eyebrows. "I thought you're - um - having a sleepover?"

The way he said that was enough to tip me off that he knew that I was taking the Witch House dare. I gulped and nodded. "I left early," I said. "Got through the whole stupid game and decided that maybe sleeping over there isn't really the best thing to do. Home sweet home."

He seemed somewhat touched that I still considered this place home, and softened a bit. "Nightmares?"

I nodded weakly. "Nonstop."

He nodded understandingly. "You'll get past that," he said, but then quickly added, "or maybe you won't. That depends. But I know you, Alden, and I think you'll get past that."

I tried to tell myself to smile. He had no idea. "Thanks, Jack," I said. "Um, everything alright while I'm gone?"

He chuckled. "Being eighteen doesn't make you the Dad around here yet, dude, but, well, yeah. Everything seemed okay. Amanda was a bit worried you won't make it out, but I knew you would. And you did, as it turns out."

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