Chapter Eleven

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"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ...As we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." – Galatians 6:2, 10

It had been a rough few days for Maya. After getting over the initial shock that her father had indeed flown out to California, the next obstacle she faced was actually seeing him in person. He was in a hospital bed surrounded by machines and sterile gray walls, but he was there nonetheless, with two broken ribs and a mild concussion. Some of the other passengers on his flight had fared worse, so Maya knew she should be thankful. But the situation was just so weird that she didn't know how to feel.

She was confused by her mother's actions, too. Mrs. Mallory had obviously tried keeping her phone calls with Maya's father a secret. Why? And why wouldn't she tell Maya that he was flying back to California? Despite her frustration, Maya bit back her questions and reassured herself that she would ask them at a more appropriate time.

But she could only suppress her feelings for so long. Her awkward reunion with her dad had gone something like this:

After a few exclamations of relief by Mrs. Mallory, Maya had shuffled over to her father's bedside, swallowing nervously. He looked like a wreck. Underneath the fresh bruises and ashen pallor, he was the same. He had that same pointed nose, straight brown hair, quick half-smile, and adventurous glint in his eyes.

After Mrs. Mallory had moved aside, Daniel Mallory shifted his gaze onto his daughter. His chocolate brown eyes filled with tears. "My little surfer girl," he said, his voice catching halfway through the last word.

"Hey Dad," she said quietly.

Slowly, almost gingerly, Mr. Mallory reached out his arms while Maya moved in closer. They embraced for a few seconds. It felt strange for Maya to hold him, to be surrounded by his strong arms and have his whiskers tickle her face.

"I hope you haven't had too much fun while I've been gone," he said.

While I've been gone? Maya received the words like she would a jolt of electricity. Was he here to stay? Then she quickly chastised herself—of course he was staying. He had to recover. They couldn't just send him back to Arizona.

"I hear you've got yourself a boyfriend," he added.

"Daniel," Mrs. Mallory cut in swiftly.

"His name's Jake," Maya explained.

Her father nodded. "I know."

"Right." Maya looked from one parent to the other. "Um, I heard you talking on the phone a few times..."

Mrs. Mallory flushed. Her husband cleared his throat. And then a nurse whisked into the room, suspending the awkwardness and allowing the trio to breathe a collective sigh of relief.

That had been Maya's not-so-grand reunion. It was strange, seeing her father again—and having him look exactly the same as she'd remembered. He was a little older, of course, but it was like they had picked up right where they'd left off.

Strangely, Maya wasn't mad at him. She had every right to be—he was the one who had become a workaholic, started fighting with her mom, and ended up leaving both of them for another job in Arizona. But he had left when Maya was young. She didn't know what else had come between her parents. Yet after multiple hospital visits over the past few days, she did know one thing for sure: she was glad her father was back to fill the empty hole he had left in her heart all those years ago.

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