Part 1

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 “Did you hear about Jenifer hooking up with a stranger at the dance”,

“O.M.G, did you hear about some chick called Jenifer or whatever hooking up with a stranger Friday night.”

This was all that Jenifer had heard for what felt like a millennium but in reality it was only since last Friday and since today was Monday it had only been four days.

This was all because of some rumour that was spread most likely by Josh Isaac about her hooking up with a stranger at the dance. This had to be false as she never had gone to the stupid dance due to her parents grounding her for the weekend because of some assignment she failed. Her excuse was that it was only English and it’s not like she needs it or anything in the future but that didn’t cut it since her dad is a professor at a university teaching English and language.  She hated the idea of being grounded and it wasn’t even her fault it was all Josh’s fault. If only Josh had left her alone and stoped teasing her about not having a date for Valentine’s Day she would have been able to get it done on time.


“Good morning class, today I’m going to change up a few things starting with rearranging the seating plans”, greeted Ms Allwood as she walked in.

“What Ms, you can’t do that”, one of the boys had said from the back of the room

“Um, actually I can, Matthew. Due to the lack of work being done in this class room I have decide to mix the class up so that there is less chatting and more work being done. If you do not like it you are more than willing , to see the principle about it but don’t expect much to be done as he has agreed with the idea also. So... where shell I start.”

Jenifer had sat next to her best friend Alissa since grade eight in every class they had together especially maths and now that they are moving desk Jenifer didn’t know what to say except protest with the other students.

“Before I start is there anyone that would like to sit with someone else in this classroom and before you all yell first make sure it is appropriate and second put your hand up.”

It was all quiet in the room for what felt like a long time until Josh had put his hand up with a cheeky grin.

“Oh, here we go, what is it now, ‘oh Ms can I sit next to a smart person so they can give me all the answers’”, Jenifer had whispered to Alissa and they both giggled.

“Yes, Josh do you have a suggestion and I mean a reasonable suggestion.”

“Yes, I do Ms. can I please sit next to...Um...” Josh had said scoping the room.

“Please not be me, please not be me”, Jenifer had whispered to herself.

“Um.... Jenifer Goodwin please.”

“What!!!!” Jenifer had yelled out as she looked up from her desk.

“Jenifer! If you were listening Josh just picked you for his seating partner.”

“What! No, Ms I can’t he’s.... he’s....” Jenifer tried to spit it out but Ms Allwood had but in before she could.

“No exceptions Jenifer, and any ways I like the idea maybe you will influence Josh along the way.”


“No buts Jenifer now get up and move.”

Jenifer had moved as slow as possible as she was not looking forward to sitting next to Josh Isaac.

“Thanks a lot Josh! Why did you pick me any ways, we hate each other remember.”

“No, you hate me and I picked you because you’re the smartest in this horrible place.” Josh had replied.

“Um, firstly if you didn’t hate me why do you tease me and spread rumours and secondly as if I'm going to help you with your grades.” Jenifer had said slightly racing her voice.

“I don’t tease you and I don’t spread rumours and I'm not going to cheat I just need help.”

“Help!!! Help!!! Who would want to help you seriously? You push everyone away and you never care about anyone else’s feelings and I know it was you who spread that rumour about me hooking up with a guy. Now thanks to you I'm the laughing stock of the school.” Jenifer had said raising her voice.

“Shh, Jenifer do your work in silence please.” Ms Allwood had said across the room and Jenifer went back to her work.

“You think I spread the rumour and that I don’t care about other people’s feelings, well news flash honey you don’t know nothing about me so don’t judge a book by its cover ok.”

“What! What are you on about? You spread the rumour, you hate me and you’re using me to get good grades. I think that’s enough to realise what kind of a person you are.”

“That’s it, Jenifer, Josh detention after school today be on time.” Ms Allwood had yelled once again across the room.

“Actually I think you meant to say that it’s enough for us to get detention. Thanks a lot Jenifer.”

“Hey, it was your fault. If you hadn’t of pick me we wouldn’t be in the situation we are now.”

“Oh, so this is my fault now is it.” Josh had said starting to pack up his things.

“Um, yes it is.”

“Whatever, I'm going.” Josh had said as the bell rang for the end of the day.

Hey all,

so this is the first part of the story hope you like it so far, any feedback is appriciated. 

Also there is a photo on the side of Jenifer =)

Happy Reading 

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