let me say yeah a yeah yeah a yeah

if you don't wanna take it slow

 and you just wanna take me home

let me say yeah a yeah yeah a yeah


you get this kinda rush

let me say yeah a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah

and let me kiss you

 I catch Harry glance at me more than once so I jump around and scream like a maniac-crazed fan-and watch him laugh at me.. Then I'd wink at him and give him a thumbs up. Moments later they start They Don't Know About Us.. I know Harry did that one on purpose, especially when he winked at me when it started up. I smile and start singing to the music.

People say we shouldn't be together-


I actually am in the backstage place. So I'm pretending to like take a pic with them and maybe an autograph.. And see their reaction cause they have no idea..

I first come across Niall and scream my head off saying:

"NIALL! NIALL!! OVER HERE!! I'M LIKE YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!" When he realized it was me, he rolled his eyes, laughed and got the boys' attention... When they looked my way I screamed.

"OMG!! HARRY'S LOOKING AT ME!! NO WAY LIAM AND ZAYN AND NIALL AND LOUIS ARE LOOKING AT ME!! IT'S LIKE THE BEST DAY EVER!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!" I am really good at acting. So good security almost took me away. I ran straight up to the boys and gave them a big hug. They were laughing. Especially when the security guard  grabbed my arm and started dragging me away. Boy, I put up a fight.

"LET. GO . OF. ME!!! BOYS HELP ME!!!! THEY'RE TAKING ME AWAY AND ALL I WANTED WAS TO TAKE A PICTURE!!!!" the boys told him to put me down. Because you know he had picked me up.

 I took a picture with them and pretended to faint and got escorted out while pretending to be passed out..


"Nice job Beth. I thought you were trying to go for the subtle look." Liam says laughing. We're in the car on the way to the hotel.

"Thank you, but I guess you were wrong now weren't you Daddy?" I say.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!!" He screams. That's what I call him you know because of like Daddy Direction.

"No need to yell. I'm only a child. You'll scar me and Lou." I say hugging Louis protectively.

Harry gives me a warning look and growls underneath his breath. Yes. Harry Styles literally just growled at me. 

"Hey, I can't hug my BooBear?" I ask.

"No. Never. He's mine."

"Nope. He's all mine."

"Fine. I'll just have Nialler then." Niall, who was zoned out into his sandwich snapped out of his own little world, looks confused.

"What?" he asks wide eyed.

"I'm telling Harry that you're mine. Not his." I tell him.

"But that's not fair! She gets BooBear!!" Harry whines.

"Too bad Harry. Did YOU ever feed me?" Niall asks.

"No." he says in defeat.

"See, Beth shall be mine and Louis'."

"Hey, did you guys notice Zayn?" I say pointing to Zayn sleeping in the back.

"Yeah. So? He always sleeps."

I slip into the very back seat next to Zayn and pull my sharpie out of my bag. Yeah I always bring a sharpie. Got a problem with that? I uncap the sharpie and grin evily at the boys. Harry, Lou, and Niall share the same evil grin at me. I swiftly draw a handle bar mustache beautifully above his upper lip. I write 'DORK' backwards on his forehead.

"Why'd you write it backwards?" Louis asks.

"Because. When he looks in the mirror, it'll be the right way." He gives a look to Harry. "Why didn't WE think of that?"

"Because we're idiots, Lou." Harry replies.

"Shut up Haz. No one likes you."

I put my finger to my lips warning them to be quiet or they'll wake Zayn up.

I finish it up and recap the pen and reslide it into my bag. I pull my phone out and take a picture. I also take a picture of him with his phone and set it as his lock and home screen. Can't wait to see his face. I slide back to my seat next to Louis and quietly hi-five him.

"What's going on you four?" Liam asks.

"Nothing Daddy. We love you."

"I hate you Beth."

I fake cry and Louis pulls me into a hug.

"Beth, I'm sorry." Liam says 100% sincere.

I start laughing and look up. 

"Did you really think I was really crying?"


"Prank master wins again!" I say laughing all the way to the hotel.


Chapter 10 everyone!! Thanks SO much! I love you guys! Anyways, I thought you guys deserved an update and I apologize for not updating so long. I hope you all enjoyed it and read/vote/comment/tell me what you think of this chapter!! I'm also writing 1D One Shots, so if anyone wants me to dedicate/write one for you, just PM me about it and I'll hopefully try to get it published. Again, hoped you liked-loved-this chapter!! Love, Rayne

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