[37] Fall to pieces.

Start from the beginning

"I talked to the good Deputy Hale, I think he agreed to get me an address on Zobelle and his little bitch boy Weston. Maybe if I get to him first, things can maybe cool down." He told me.

"What are you gonna do when you find him?"

He sighed. "Hale wants me to hand him over alive. He said he can at least bring him in as a person of interest, hold 'im 24 hours and by then maybe we can get everyone calmed down, thinking straight." I nodded.

"Sounds like the best we got right now." I told him. "Ok, I gotta get out of this place. Tell me you have smokes." He smiled brightly and patted his shirt pocket. Jax helped me up out of bed telling me we should go see Tara before we head outside for a smoke. He actually brought me a wheel chair. I didn't like the idea at first, but after a few moments I was thankful he thought about it. Of course we couldn't find Tara yet tonight so we just headed outside. He locked the wheels of my chair in the smoking area and sat on the bench next to my chair as he lit two smokes passion one on to me. "So what happens now?"

He shrugged. "Gonna have one hell of a day tomorrow." He told me. "Looks like you got the day off though." He joked nudging my wheel chair with his shoe. I laughed a little and took a long drag of my cigarette. "You sure you're feelin' ok? Being up and around and all?" I nodded putting my eyes down on my lap. "I wonder what normal people are doin' about now?" He said all of a sudden and I smiled.

"Probably not getting car bombed and getting ready for a nice boring night of trash TV, tucking kids into bed and then sleeping." I said and we both laughed. "Sounds like heaven right?" He nodded. "This is gonna get worse before it gets better huh?" I asked and he just sat there silently. We finished our smokes and talked for a little while before he told me he wanted to go home to Abel and took me back inside and up to my room. He kept asking if I would be alright in the hospital and i told him not to worry about me. "Just go home to the kid Jax." He smiled and hugged me before leaving finally.

The night was long and terrible. I did go outside again a couple of times to smoke a few of the cigarettes Jackson left for me and then to the vending machines to get some sugar to try and help me stay awake. I couldn't stop thinking about Chibs being somewhere in the hospital, so close and I couldn't even go and see him now if I wanted to. I would just have to wait untl morning and it was killing me slowly. I decided to watch some shitty late night television and try to hold out for morning with shit rushing around my head whether i liked it or not.

Morning rolled around after what seemed like an eternity and I found myself being checked out by more nurses and poked with more needles for tests but on the bright side they said I could start moving around if I wanted to so I did. Hospitals were places I hated when I was a kid, but after the schooling and how much time I'd been spending in and around them it felt more like a second home to me now. Free coffee from the nurses' station wasn't bad either. I took my time roaming around the place and found myself up near the maternity ward. Babies always made people feel better, lighter when they were down so I figured I would go and see them before anyone began showing up. I didn't exactly expect them to though since I knew today would be filled with them trying to chase down leads. This Zobelle guy was smarter than that though, he wouldn't just leave his tracks uncovered. Hell they probably wouldn't even find him in charming. I leaned against the wall and looked out over the tiny little faces in their cradles and I smiled. They were very cute. Kids didn't even know yet they had their whole lives out in front of them, and strangely enough I hoped none of them would wind up like me. It was a weird thought, maybe I wouldn't even want my own kids to be like me one day and that caused a little bit of a conflict. I loved the club, I didn't know why I was having such an opposition to them now. They just aren't the same anymore, not with Clay in charge.

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