Love ain't never look so good on you,oh,put it on baby.

When in the house I locked the door I hope moaning Mona has the key. She was already on the couch squinting at me "You stupid bitch," she hissed. I rolled my eyes. "Not now Mona.". She let out a low scream "You got me caught, you knew exactly what you were doing when you opened that door. If you thought I hated you then. Wait until now. If you just so as ever look at Cole again. You'll wish you never had," I put my hand in her face "Goodnight." I was going up the stairs but,then as ucik as ever I did a double take. "Listen,whore. You stay out of my lane before I make you wish  you had of. Or i'll let athe school now how good Bryce is." Her mouth hung open. "Close your mouth. You wouldn't want flies to get in it." And i then continued up the stairs.


Curling my hair I sing Just Give Me A Reason. Mona walks in and brushes her teeth before fixing her hair. She eyes herself and then frowns at me before leaving. I snarl at her,giving her back the same glare. Spiraling the last stand of hair I fix my salmon skirt. Today, I look extra sexy,because I need to get Alex back on track,he needs to know what he's missing.

Rubbing my lips together I grab my iPhone and Jansport backpack. "Don't you look nice," notes my father. I smile "thanks dad." "Your welcome kiddo, hey?" I turn back to him. "Don't bring home to many guys." he jokes. I conjure up a laugh before exiting the creamy white door.

I watch Mona get in the car with the rest of her crew. But as weird as it is I see no Cole. Ignoring them I hop in my Altima. The engine purrs and I pull off leaving them in my dust.

  "Don't you look sexy," mumbles Ana. "Nuu duh," I say in total complete confidence. She smacks my arm at my remark and we stroll into St.Marks high school. A few guys on the wrestling time get rowdy over my entrance and make the rest of the student body turn to meet their ruckus.

    I make my hips switch and swish as I strode the halls my spirals bouncing in excitement. "Are you trying to get me to apologize or ask you for sex?" I probably look like a cow on crack right now but I still meet the talkers eyes. "Maybe both if you play your cards right." He moans at my comment. "Well sweetie I'm sorry, you know I don't want Mona,but if I'm planning on making it big anytime soon". He stopped and eyed Mona who was practically floating in. "Then Mona is the key". I watch her as she makes almost every guy faint. I shut my locker "Promise me dinner after?"

His green marbles rolled. He scrunched his nose making his freckles move. "Anything for you if that will make you forgive me." I kiss his cheek while turning away. I hear him yell "or tear your clothes off," in the distance.

Mr. Taney makes us hush while he lectures the class. My eyes wonder around like the usually do and I see Cole glaring at me.

He winks at first and mouths something I don't understand. Giving up I turn around in my seat.

"I hope you guys studied for the pop quiz/" I sigh. How could we if it's a pop quiz?

He smacks the paper on my desk and smile lightly before rolling my eyes.

I read the first question

    (1) Do this math in your head. Let's see how good of a fast arithmetic thinker you are. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000 . Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total?

    I write down two answers unsure

I got 5000. However, when I use a calculator... the answer is actually 4100

I'm about to go to the next question when. Fwap. A paper ball hits me. I ignore it and read number two when I'm about to circle the answer fwap goes another paper ball. I still ignore it. Moving on to question three I type numbers into the calculator. Fwap. Who is being childish? I look up to see if Mr. Taney is even seeing this but of course he's not. Fwap.Fwap.Fwap. I try not to lose it. Don't lose it I thought. Fwap. "Psstt," hisses a male voice. "Pssstt Angelina." I hear Cole say. What does this ass want? Not giving in,I circle the answer to the problem.

Adorn Me: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now