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This Friday is like the famous Trojan Horse. You think it's a good thing at first and then everything turns to shit.

My best friend Emily who I haven't been keeping in touch with because of conflicting class schedules texted me and told me I should come to her house for a sleepover. Now, I'm a grown ass kid and I could have rejected the offer like I usually do and gone about my lazy days but I know never hanging out with people I label friend isn't a good thing to do because humans need social interactions and blah blah. Also, I really do like Emily and want to hangout, so I say why not?

I'll bring a book and read while she talks and does things, that's how you interact socially right?

Worst mistake of life. I didn't get details on this sleepover or a date or anything, and when I asked for that later it ends up there are more people coming. Yay, now I don't even have to attempt to socially interact with her right? Someone else is going to do it, right? No. Not right, wrong. Two guys. Coming to a sleepover. A sleepover that's two days. With no adult supervision. I've never had an ass more grass before.

And for some reason Emily thinks it's OK and so do her parents. My parents would smack the taste out of my mouth for even asking for something like that but Emily's parents are A-OK with it. So me being a reasonable grown kid asked Emily if she's out of her mind or if she's kidding. Nope, not kidding, just out of her mind. As I try to slip out a quick excuse she mentions onesies and Caprisuns. Now, she knows me too well. She knows I can't turn down onesies and Caprisuns, so I end up saying that I'll definitely be there.

Now that I'm lying in bed thinking about it, it probably won't be too bad. They're probably just some band boys she hangs out with. I'll just have to ask them to stay behind the wall of Caprisuns boxes Emily better have ready for me.


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