Chapter 14

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Scorchpaw was returning to camp from hunting with Shadowstorm, Tigerstripe, and Ripplepaw. He went to set down the Thrush, rabbit, and 3 mice that he caught, when he saw Whitefoot already coming to eat. Her belly was bigger than usual.

Was she taking more out of the prey heap? Or was she expecting kits?

He noticed she slowed down and didn't pad over, but she slowly walked.

"Hi, Whitefoot, look what I caught!"
He dropped the prey that was in his mouth.

"You caught all of this?"
Scorchpaw opened his mouth to speak when Shadowstorm interrupted.

"Yeah, all him. He did better than all of us tonight. Good job, Scorchpaw."

"Wow, good job. What a hunter you're turning into."

It felt good to get praise from his Clanmates.

I have to show Nightstar and Amberpaw! And Thor-

Scorchpaw looked up at Silverpelt. Letting out a sigh, he knew his father had already saw.

Was he proud?

Just then, Nightstar was walking past, when she saw all of that prey at his paws.

"Did You catch these?"
"Yes! All of them."
"Wow, Scorchpaw, they're marvelous! What a good hunter you are turning into!"
"Thank you mother."
He looked over and saw Whitefoot stagger to the medicine den.

Was something wrong?

He saw Her wince, and Nightstar noticed He was looking in a different direction, and she looked too.

They speed walked to the medicine den.

"Lilacleaf, what is wrong?"

Whitefoot yoweled in pain.

"The kits! The kits! The kits are coming!" she wailed again. She kicked and screeched in pain.

Lilacleaf jolted and started giving her herbs n such when she ordered Scorchpaw to get a stick.
He pelted off and returned in a matter of seconds with a thick stick.

"Hold this and bite down when it hurts! Push! Push! There's one coming! Harder!"

And out slid a Brown,wet, kit.

"It's a Tom!" Lilacleaf yelped.
"There's another! Come on Whitefoot! Push!"

And here came a small, grey, and wet kit.

"Nightstar! Lick them! Give them warmth!"
Nightstar did as she was told.

"And another! Whitefoot you can do it!"

Whitefoot yoweled in pain again.

Lilacleaf pulled out a light ginger/golden kit, and passed it to Nightstar, who began to lick it as well."These two are she-kits!"
She mewed.

Whitefoot stopped wailing and yoweling. She was done.

"Whitefoot, you did great! And gave birth to two beautiful she cats and one Tom! Who's the father?"

Lilacleaf commented as she looked over and the whole clan seemed to be wondering that as well.

Whitefoot caught her breath as she mewed: "Shadowstorm."

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