Chapter 7

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Scorchpaw woke up and felt Amberpaw laying as if she had fallen, on his back, drooling.

"Ew! Amberpaw get up! Your drooling on me!"
He squeaked.

Amberpaw woke up groggily.
She's exhausted from last night
He thought. He looked around the den to see no one else was there except him and Amberpaw.

"Let all cats old enough to cat their own prey gather here beneath Tallrock For an apprentice ceremony."

Nightstar yoweled.

It's for Sunkit. Finally

"Amberpaw! Wake up its Sunkit's apprentice ceremony!"

"I don't care for that weasel heart!"
She flicked her tail and rolled over the other side.
"It doesn't matter. She was there for ours and she's gonna be in here tonight."

Amberpaw rose to her paws and walked to the Tallrock with Scorchpaw.

"It's finally time for Sunkit to be an apprentice. Sunkit, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and protect the Clan even at the cost of your life?"

"I do."

"Then you shall be known as Sunpaw. Your mentor will be Whitefoot.
Whitefoot, you've trained Lightningfur long and well. I expect you do the same to Sunpaw."

Whitefoot dippped her head. Sunpaw went to touch noses with her new mentor.

"Scorchpaw, it's time we go back to training. Today is battle and we're gonna take Ravenpaw and Breezefang with us to be your opponent."

Shadowstorm appeared out of nowhere.
"Okay this is going to be so much fun!"

"Indeed it will."

Breezefang and Ravenpaw came along and they left.


"Okay I'm going to pin you down and with claws sheathed, your gonna kick my belly and rake your paws down to get me off, but in real battle, of course, you use your claws. Got it?"

"Got it. Come at me."

Shadowstorm leaped onto Scorchpaw and pinned him to the ground. First Scorchpaw tried to bite at his throat but couldn't reach. Then he kicked and raked at Shadowstorms belly.
Shadowstorm flew off as Scorchpaw was ready to take him off guard, and leaped, but Shadowstorm was ready. He moved to the other side to see Scorchpaw barreling to the other side. Scorchpaw was smart. He opened himself up and ran towards Shadowstorm and swiped at his muzzle. Shadowstorm was again ready for that. He ducked and head butted Scorchpaw in the belly and that sent him flying off.

"Wow. I've got a strong apprentice, you will be a great fighter Scorchpaw. I can see it already."

"Okay okay let's see if he can take me."

Ravenpaw snickered as he rammed into Scorchpaw with no warning. Scorchpaw shook himself as he ran towards Ravenpaw and aimed for a throat and muzzle swipe. That threw Ravenpaw off guard and the tumbled to the ground. He got up and leaped in Scorchpaws direction. Scorchpaw did what Shadowstorm did and moved to the other side and Ravenpaw flew past him.

"Well. Scorchpaw, that was impressive. Ravenpaw is a couple of moons older than you in fact, he should be a warrior tonight. It's a surprise though. Don't tell him."

"I won't."

And there went Scorchpaw learning to fight like a warrior.


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