Chapter 11

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"Well, this is our camp, where all our cats eat, sleep, and live. The kits are born and taught here in the nursery, and- OH MY STARCLAN THE KITS! You look like you're expecting some little ones!!! Are you? Are you??"

Scorchpaw was surprised at how much Nightstar was worked up about Lyla.

I could understand it, they were best friends when they were younger, and now they've found each other again. The real question is, how does Nightstar know this rogue? What's her story?

Scorchpaw thought about how Nightstar and Lyla came to be best friends.

"Nightstride, I am expecting kits in the next few sunrises, that's why I came to find you. I remember before the accident you had showed me the way to your clan, and now alas, I've found need for it."

Lyla sounded very calm, not worked up as much as Nightstar. Scorchpaw noticed Lyla kept calling Nightstar Nightstride, which was her warrior name. Did she not know Nightstar was leader now?

Thornstrike stood next to Nightstar as she was going to say something, but he cut her off.

"Actually Lyla, it's Nightstar now. She's leader, since Hawkstar
Lost his ninth life when the dogs attacked."

Scorchpaw flicked his father's ear with his tail.
Thornstrike moved away and bent his head level with Scorchpaw's. "What is it?" he whispered. "Don't you think you were giving a little too much info about Nighstars leadership?"

Thornstrike hesitated, then mewed: "Nightstar seems to trust this cat very much if she immediately invited her to camp."
Scorchpaw turned around and looked for Ravenfang, who was sharing tounges with Splashheart.

Now Scorchpaw looked for Flamepaw, who seemed to be very fond of his sister.

He must be in the dirtplace

Scorchpaws stomach growled, reminding him of his hunger. He walked over to the prey heap and grabbed a thrush to eat.

Three sunrises later

"Flamepaw wake up, we're going hunting with Lyla."

Scorchpaw heard his Fathers voice and thought
What about Nightstar? Shouldn't she be going too? Maybe she's busy.

Scorchpaw noticed the sun was barely out, so it was very early. He closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep.

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